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青年报: 让困难青年“充满阳光地活着” /Youth daily: Let disadvantaged young people “live a life full of sunshine”

青年报/Youth daily
June 30th 2011




本报实习生 俞韡岭 见习记者 陈臻



刚进门,一股纯真的奶香味扑面而来,而在进门右侧,18位第三批的学员两人一组在桌边“整装待发”。据高凤熙介绍,今天有外国志愿者前 来“做他们的学生”,而这些做了一年的学生也终于有机会过一把做老师的瘾。“海上青培坊”项目经理马弘睿——也是一位地道的法国小伙儿说道:“这些孩子经 过1年的培训,已经可以成为中级西式面点师,等到下月初毕业后就可以被上海很多知名的面包店聘用。”

 毕业在即,这些90后们个个兴奋。记者注意到了一位来自湖北的可爱女孩儿小江。小江说,当初是被自家那边的基金会介绍到上海基金会,然 后青培坊的工作人员就将她介绍到了这个烘焙中心。“你知道吗,我当时就觉得很兴奋,因为我很喜欢学怎么做面包,这个活不枯燥,所以我做了一年并没有觉得 累”,小江说,“其实一开始做出来的面包太丑了,样子很难看,不过现在就好很多啦,等等瞧瞧吧!”小江一脸自信,摆弄着身上的围裙和头上的帽子,似乎迫不 及待展现她的“作品”。

 据高凤熙说,虽然本次互动所做的面包“维也纳”和“布利欧修”称不上最难,但孩子们还是认真准备了很长时间。据悉,为了使整个烘焙过程 能在傍晚结束,他们已经将“一次发酵”事先完成了。活动开始后,当这18位孩子教导着比他们都要高很多的外国学生时,都倾注了很大的热情。外国志愿者不 懂,他们就手把手的教;听不懂外语,就请老师翻译了再回答……对已经亲历过困苦的孩子们来说,如今的生活,已然太幸福。




  从2009年开始,“海上青培坊”已经培养出了2批共39位优秀的毕业生,而这批的18位,也将踏入社会。马弘睿自信地表示:“虽然刚 进来的时候孩子们都比较内向,不愿多说话,但在这个大集体中体会到了交流的乐趣,而我们的生活老师也像他们的父亲母亲一样照顾他们,现在孩子们都相信,他 们也可以做得和别人一样好!”而高凤熙也自豪地表示:“我们的学生每个都很优秀!”



 当记者联系到李容容时,她正在上班,她说,现在上班都比较忙,但感觉到很充实。记者了解到,去年六七月从“海上青培坊”毕业后,李容容 就在Saleya法式面包坊和餐厅工作,而如今,20岁的她在Glolondon餐厅工作,每个月3000元的薪水,让她觉得很知足。“我母亲得知我在上 海做出了一点成绩,虽然嘴上不说,但还蛮开心的,经常让我到她那里去,给她长长脸。”

 李容容来自甘肃,2009年,当地的基金会告诉了当时家境贫困的李容容一个好消息:“上海有一个学面包的机会,学有所成后还可以在上海 找到工作。”当时高考落榜的李容容便抓住了这次机会,2009年9月刚到上海就见到了高凤熙。随后的一年,她脚踏实地,苦心钻研地学习烘焙技术,最终让她 拿到了自己满意的劳动报酬。



  如果您想了解这个项目是怎样帮助困难家庭的孩子们的,请联系我们,负责项目运营的基金会工作人员将带您走到孩子们身边,与他们一起学习、工作,让您找到自己的用武之地!   如果您有网站建设和翻译专长,也请联系我们,孩子们需要你的帮助!


Let disadvantaged young people “live a life full of sunshine”

Youth Daily journalist discovers Shanghai Young Bakers and how its volunteers instill love into society

As the 18 students of the third cohort were about to graduate on early July, thus providing fresh blood to China’s bakery market, Miss Cecile Cavoizy was quite excited.

Miss Cavoizy is French and is in charge of education and communication at Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB). SYB is an organization that aims at providing orphans, single-parent or poor children aged 17-23 with a free training in traditional French bakery so that after one year of courses they can become “big names” of the bakery market .

SYB not only builds up those children’s self-confidence in life, but also gives them job skills so that they are able to live independently and give back to society. As said an excellent graduate: “My parents feel proud of me since I have become a baker in a restaurant”.

As graduation is approaching, the young bakers exhibit their work with confidence

The training center of SYB located at 3/F, Bgd 2, No.889, Suide Road, Putuo District may not look like a small baking center at first sight, however, as more and more foreigners were entering the room, everything suddenly became clear to the journalist.

As soon as we came in, we were overwhelmed by the scent of milk. On the right side, 18 students of the third cohort had already put their aprons on and were standing by two near the tables. Miss Cavoizy explained that today, foreign volunteers would come “to be their students”, so that they finally have a chance to act as teachers after their one-year training. Ma Hongrui, SYB project manager and also French, said: “After one year of training, these children have already reached the intermediate level of Chinese pastry, after their graduation ceremony next month they will be able to find a job at very famous Shanghai bakeries and hotels.”

Since their graduation was getting close, the young Chinese were all very excited. The journalist noticed a lovely girl from Hubei named Xiao Jiang. She said she was recommended by a foundation at her home town to their Shanghai office which then recommended her to SYB. “You know I was really excited since I like baking a lot, it is a life that is not boring at all, so even after one year I don’t feel tired”, Xiaojiang said. “Actually the bread I made at the beginning was quite ugly, its shape was really not good-looking, however it is much better now. Just wait and see!” Xiaojiang was self-confident, she was playing with her apron and her hat and couldn’t wait to show her work.

According to Miss Cavoizy, although the brioche and Viennese pastries made during this event were not the most difficult to bake, the students had prepared it seriously and during quite a long time. In order to finish the whole baking process in the afternoon, they had already fermented the dough once. When the activity started, the 18 children taught their foreign students, all much taller than them, with great enthusiasm. When the foreign volunteers did not understand, they took their hand to show them; when the children didn’t understand a foreign language, they would ask their teachers for translation. For kids who had endured some suffering, this new life was nearly too happy to be true!

Social responsibility

“They can do as well as others”

Once accepted in the program, SYB students follow a one-year intensive training combining Chinese pastry and traditional French bakery classes. The way their training is organized is also very interesting, as it alternates two weeks of theoretical courses with two weeks of internship in well-known companies such as Carrefour and Hilton.

Since 2009, 39 excellent graduates from 2 cohorts have followed the SYB training, and the 18 members of this cohort will soon integrate into society as well. Mr Ma said with assurance: “At the beginning the children were all quite introverted and not willing to talk much, but in this big family they exchange with pleasure. Besides, our social educator takes care of them as her own kids, so now the children all believe that they can do as well as others!” Miss Cavoizy proudly said “All our students are excellent!”

Feedback from students

“Earning RMB3,000 per month is enough for me”

When the reporter contacted Li Rongrong, she was at work. She said that she was very busy with her job but felt completely satisfied about it. The journalist understood that Li Rongrong had been working in Saleya bakery and restaurant after her graduation from SYB. At 20 years old, she is now working for the Glolondon restaurant, earning RMB3,000 every month, for which she is very happy. “When my mother heard that I had succeeded in Shanghai, although she hardly said anything I know she was very happy about it. She often asks me to visit her, which makes her very proud.”

Li Rongrong comes from a poor family in Gansu. In 2009, the local foundation told her good news: “There is an opportunity for you to learn baking in Shanghai, that will enable you to find a job there once graduated.” At that time, Li Rongrong had just failed the college entrance examination, so she seized this opportunity and met Miss Cavoizy as she had just arrived in Shanghai on September 2009. In the following year, very down-to-earth, Li Rongrong studied bakery intensively and with great efforts, so that she got a rewarding job that she is satisfied with.

Li Rongrong hopes that more and more young people like her will benefit from the SYB stepping stone, so that they can gain in self-confidence and “live a life full of sunshine”.

Call for volunteers:

If you want to know more about how this project helps children from poor families, please contact us, we will put you in touch with staff from the program. If you have expertise in website construction and translation, please also contact us. The children need your help!

Tele: 61933111 email: qnbhdb@126.com