Young bakers and SYB team celebrate Lantern Festival together
What better way to start the new lunar year (or to end the old one) than to get every Shanghai Young Bakers together. The Lantern Festival is a marker for the Lunar New Year that is celebrated by most people in China. Shanghai Young Bakers is no different from the rest of China and decided to celebrate the event by getting everyone together in the one place on that auspicious day. The SYB students having just returned from their New Year holiday break with their families and friends back home; we were ready to celebrate the year of the Rooster together.
It was a great opportunity for newer staff to have a look at the Caoyang Vocational School where our students live and attend Chinese bakery classes. We even took this opportunity to take lovely group photos that included students, teachers and staff from our Wuning road office. The rest of the evening was spent sharing a meal at Hui Yang Small Seafood, a very lively restaurant, where, despite the language barrier – for some of us, we were able to find out more about each other. Using our phones, we shared family photos, holiday snapshots and pictures of our favourite dishes from all over China. It was really exciting to discover what a great group of young people they are and to appreciate some of the challenges they had to overcome in their lives. A very memorable evening indeed!
这个时候请新员工来看望海上青焙坊学员们生活和学习中国烘焙的地方——曹杨职业技术学院,是再合适不过啦。我们也借此佳节,与学员、老师还有我们的团队拍摄了许多精彩难忘的照片。我们在惠阳小海鲜一起聚餐度过了余下的夜晚。、 尽管我们团队中语言不尽相同,对于一些人来说交流有时会有困难,但是通过这次温馨的聚餐,大家都从彼此身上了解到了更多,距离更近也更加团结了。我们一起分享拍过的照片,家庭的合照,出游时的美景,还有全中国那么多美味的食物。很开心看到由年轻人组成的这样一个团队能够相处愉快,团结一心,并且做好了接受未来挑战的准备。难忘的元宵节,属于海上青焙坊的共同回忆!
Pascal Michaux
Resource Development