The Young Bakers visit Brioche Dorée 学员们的朵瑞 (Brioche Dorée) 之旅

The Young Bakers visit Brioche Dorée 学员们的朵瑞 (Brioche Dorée) 之旅

With their studies soon coming to an end, the Young Bakers are now in the process of applying for jobs in the food and beverage industry. And as many companies in this sector are interested in hiring our Young Bakers, some of them offered to receive our students in their premises and organized a visit to introduce themself to our future graduates.


On July 18th and 19th, the students were received by Fabrice Pons, production manager at Brioche Dorée, a leading chain of French bakeries with more than 500 shops all over the world. The students visited the first shop Brioche Dorée opened in Shanghai a couple of years ago on Yanping Road. In June of this year, the French group opened its third shop in Shanghai and it is planning to develop even more in the years to come.

7月18日和19日,朵瑞的生产经理Fabrice Pons邀请学员们参观了这一在全球拥有超过500家连锁商店的法国领先烘焙餐饮连锁店。学员们参观了朵瑞几年前在上海延平路上开的第一家分店。 今年的6月份,这家法国烘焙餐饮连锁店在上海设立了第三家分店,并且计划在将来增开更多的面包坊。

Divided in small groups, the students were introduced to the history and values of this bakery chain. Created in 1976 in France by Louis Le Duff, Brioche Dorée aims at making its clients feel at home with fresh and simple products such as bread and danish as well as cakes, pastries, pizzas and sandwiches. The students were very curious to discover which products were being sold and very proud to realize they are now able to bake all those products.

学员们被分成几个小组,分别学习了这家烘焙连锁集团的历史和价值观。朵瑞由Louis Le Duff 在1976年创立,致力于生产新鲜而简单的产品,给顾客家一般的感觉。产品包括面包,丹麦酥皮点心,蛋糕,酥皮糕点,披萨和三明治。学员们对出售的产品非常好奇,同时也为自己能烘焙出这些产品而感到自豪。

The Young Bakers also had the chance to visit the kitchen and see how the work is organized. As they were all interns in five-star hotels in Shanghai throughout their training, it was a good opportunity to discover a new working environment and organization.


The SYB team and the Young Bakers would like to thank Brioche Dorée and Fabrice Pons for welcoming us in their premises.

海上青焙坊的团队及烘焙学员们非常感谢朵瑞和Fabrice Pons的热情款待。

Anaïs, Partnerships

Mengxin Chen, Translation

莫安斯 伙伴关系建立

陈梦昕 译