SYB teachers receive accolades in national bakery competition
Tensions were high on May 14th as master chefs at the Louis Lesaffre Cup Bakery Competition in Shanghai examined competitors’ entries. Having won their respective regional competitions in March, the competitors (including two SYB teachers) were competing on a national level, waiting anxiously for the results that would decide whether they could compete in the Asia-wide competition.
Shanghai Young Bakers was overjoyed by the results. Zhang Zhenghai received first place in the baguette and special breads category and will be traveling to Jakarta, Indonesia to compete in the Asia-wide competition in November 2015. Wang Li received second place in the artistic breads category. Both teachers will share their expertise at SYB’s upcoming professional training session in June!
2015 年 3 月,在上海、北京和广州三地举办的“路易乐斯福杯”全球烘焙师大赛中国赛区的区域选拔赛中, 17 名选手在各自组别(法棍、羊角、艺术面包)的比赛中脱颖而出,最终于 2015 年 5 月 13 日、14 日两天参加在上海举办的总决赛。最终,在重重角逐后,
与之前区域选拔赛不同的是,在决赛中每一位选手都要经历 7 小时现场制作的考验。 比赛过程中每一个环节的表现以及最后的成品都将通过由 5 位中外评委组成的评审委 员会的考评,从而最终确定每组的冠军。
此次比赛是“路易乐斯福杯”进入中国的第四届比赛,中国地区的所有赛事由“乐斯 福中国”和“中国焙烤食品糖制品工业协会”联合主办,“无锡三能器具”协办。包括张政海老师在内的三位在比赛中胜出的选手将从 2015 年 6 月开始,接受由“乐斯福中国”组织的密训。 经历 5 个月由国际烘焙师指导的专业培训后,三名冠军将组队代表中国参加 2015 年 11 月在印尼雅加达举办的亚太区域总决赛,赢取最终进入“烘焙世界杯”的入场券。