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Social teambuilding activity with Evonik

Last Sunday, July 3rd 2011, Shanghai Young Bakers students welcomed 22 Evonik employees in their baking centre to take part in a very special team building, where students taught employees how to make bread!

The event was co-organized with Forget Me Not (FMN), a non-profit organization bringing together the corporate world and underprivileged Chinese through team-building activities.

After ice-breaking games in the morning and a shared lunch, the students carefully looker over the Evonik employees as they were preparing brioche and Viennese bread. The atmosphere was very warm and relaxed and both employees and students had great fun!

Xiao Jin, one of the students, concluded: “one year before, we didn’t know anything about bread, and now we are able to teach to other people and pass on this great tradition and passion!”