19 5月
Lesaffre organizes a trip for Young Bakers to its Anhui factory 乐斯福组织青焙坊学员参观它的安徽工厂
继续阅读Lesaffre organizes a trip
15 5月
20 May Public Class | Do well and do good at the same time! 这有一个做面包还能做公益的机会!5月20日与你不见不散
继续阅读20 May Public Class | Do
10 5月
20th May Level 2 Bread Public Class | Baking Happiness! 5月20日 | 烘焙幸福——三款中级面包来咯!
继续阅读20th May Level 2 Bread Pu
28 4月
Brian Tan, founder of HoF, shares his story with the Young Bakers|HoF的创始人Brain Tan与青年烘焙师分享自己的故事
继续阅读Brian Tan, founder of HoF