Morning Tears: hope for children of convicts 晨露国际:服刑人员子女的希望

Morning Tears: hope for children of convicts

After coming back from visiting Madaifu and Xinxing in Baoji we headed to Xian where we visited a home of the organization Morning Tears (MT).

Started in 1999, Morning Tears is an organization providing a new home for children that are left behind by the imprisonment of a parent. In these homes they provide all basic needs (food, clothes, shelter), psychological support, school education, leisure activities and juridical support.

Over 9 million people are held in prison institutions around the world. Prison populations are growing in nearly all the countries of the world. The psychological problems and emotional pains that children face are often overwhelming.

Morning Tears tries to rebuild the world for children who have lost their own. They have programs and events in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhengzhou and Xi’an.

Morning Tears works holistically, at both the level of the child as well as the international policy making level.

They do this via:

1. Residential care: in a home of Morning Tears or that of a supported organization.

2. Capacity building: morning tears works in close cooperation and very constructively with the Chinese government, at all levels, to structurally advance childcare and the protection of vulnerable children in China.

Morning Tears has helped 805 children and there are currently 250 children in Morning Tears homes/projects. The children that we interviewed were part of the home project of Morning Tears: they were living together under the care of a MT staff. Despite the traumas that they had undergone, we found them optimistic and responsible, no doubt thank to the help that they had received from MT!

View their website:






1. 家庭护理:位于晨露国际的总部或其他合作机构的办公室

2. 能力建设:晨露国际与中国政府在各个方面都有着紧密的合作,他们帮助提高儿童保护的水平,保护那些在中国易受伤害的孩子们。

