Julien and Inès spend three days at Lesaffre headquarters in Lille 张帅和金会子在法国里尔乐斯福总部的三天之旅

Julien and Inès spend three days at Lesaffre headquarters in Lille


Yeast being such an important ingredient in bread making, Julien and Inès’ trainingin France would not have been complete without a learning more about this very unique microorganism. Just before coming back to Shanghai, our future teachers had the opportunity to spend three days at the headquarters of the world-leader’s yeast manufacturer Lesaffre.

酵母在面包制作的过程中是非常重要的一味原料,如果张帅和金会子并没有了解这一巧妙的微生物的知识,那他们的法国培训之旅不可谓完整。 在回上海前夕,海上青焙坊未来的两位教师得到了在世界领先酵母制造商-法国乐斯福公司总部的三天培训机会。

As former students of Shanghai Young Bakers, Julien and Inès already had a good knowledge about yeast. Actually, since Lesaffre has always been a supporter of Shanghai Young Bakers, our future teachers both learned bakery at SYB using Lesaffre’s yeast. Inès even had the opportunity to visit one of their yeast factories in China during her one year training at SYB.


During their three-day stay in Lille, they were able to perfect their knowledge by receiving a customized training from Jean Louis Bouvier, technical bakery advisor at Lesaffre. He explained everything about the five different types of yeast and how to use them.

在里尔的三天,他们得以在乐斯福烘焙专家–Jean Louis Bouvier提供的专项培训中,完善关于烘焙的知识。Jean Louis Bouvier详细地向他们解释了五种不同酵母的区别以及使用方法。

After the theory comes the practice, and their second day was dedicated to putting into practice the theory and techniques they had learned the day before. Julien had to bake four different recipes of bread while Inès perfected the art of making puff dough and pièce montée.

在充分了解理论知识以后,培训的第二天, 两位学员关注于如果将前一天习得的理论知识运用于实践当中。张帅使用四个配方制作四款面包,金会子在其中也更好地掌握了制作面团以及法式泡芙塔的工艺。

For their last day, Julien and Inès were really happy to receive a certificate from Lesaffre, acknowledging their effort and their great understanding of the role and uses of yeast in bread making.


For our future teachers, it is essential to have the best knowledge about all the ingredients they will use in class with their students. Thus, we are really grateful to Lesaffre for providing such a great learning opportunity for Julien and Inès!


Anaïs, Partnerships

Translator, Yu Hui

莫安斯 伙伴关系建立

翻译 于慧