流行色:公益烘焙——海上青焙坊 Fashion Colour: Bake for public welfare—Shanghai Young Bakers

文/王莉娟 图/赵小鲁



French Minister for Food Guillaume Garot visited the baking centre of Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) during his stay in Shanghai recently. SYB provides the underprivileged youth with French bakery training to help them seek jobs and lead independent lives after graduation. Under Carrefour Foundation’s impulse, who has sponsored the program since its beginnings in 2009, many French food companies in Shanghai have since come together to lend a professional hand to this innovative program, allowing almost 100 young people from all over China to discover French know-how and have access to jobs in Shanghai’s growing bakery market.

During the relaxing lunch visit, Minister Garot talked with SYB’s trainers and learned how they became the program trainers from entry-level students. Minister Garot talked with the trainers about the training experience they had in France, the challenges they faced during teaching French bakery, and the dreams they have.

Translated by Isabella