中国甜食工业杂志:“面包——让梦想插上翅膀”China Sweet Industry: “Bakery Makes Dream Come True”



“‘面包王国之旅’让我们可以分享我们所学并感谢那些支持我们的机构,例上海法语培训中心、Cavilam-Alliance Française of Vichy和给与我们帮助的公司,例如法国航空公司和家乐福。没有他们,我们不可能像现在这样离我们的烘焙梦想如此接近”一名毕业生说道。海上青焙坊的项目经理林兰在活动结束时说:“在中法建交50周年之际,以帮助中国贫困青少年为宗旨的公益组织海上青焙坊和像上海法语培训中心这样的机构之间的合作变得更加有意义。”

China Sweet Industry: “Bakery Makes Dream Come True”

On May 25th, bread enthusiasts and fans of the French language gathered at the Alliance Française of Shanghai for a “Journey to the land of bread”, organized by the charity program Shanghai Young Bakers. Since 2009, SYB has been training underprivileged Chinese youth in the skills of traditional French bakery and pastry, enabling them to find qualified jobs and lead independent lives after graduation.

«”Journey to the land of bread” is a chance for us to share what we’ve learned and to truly thank organizations such as the Alliance Française of Shanghai, the Cavilam-Alliance Française of Vichy and companies such as Air France and Carrefour for their support. Without them, we wouldn’t be that close to our dream.» says one of the SYB graduates. Floriane Lemoine, SYB program manager, closed the event by saying: “In this year marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and the People’s Republic of China, the cooperation between a charity program helping underprivileged Chinese youth and French organizations such as the Alliance Française, CAVILAM and Air France is all the more meaningful.”