Global Times: Shanghai-based social entrepreneurs celebrate their unique business model’s growing popularity in China
Dozens of like-minded individuals from Shanghai-ba
Shanghai Young Bakers: Love on the Tongue of France 海上青焙坊:爱,在舌尖上的法国
Bakery in China:Louis Lesaffre Bakery World Cup 中华烘焙:路易乐斯福杯全球烘焙师大赛
在日前印尼雅加达举办的“路易乐斯福杯” 亚太地区总决赛上
中华烘焙 Delivering Hope through Baking
SYB on the rise 海上青焙坊:当法式浪漫遇上公益项目
Seven years ago, a group of 12 French friends who
La France en Chine: Cérémonie de remise des diplômes des Shanghai Young Bakers
Le lundi 20 juillet 2015, se tenait la 7ème cérémo