The French Celebration with La Galette des Rois 与国王饼一起庆祝法式传统节日
The French Celebration with La Galette des Rois 与国
Wake and Bake: Shanghai youth apprenticeship charity delivers hope and French bread 睁眼看世界,烘焙学手艺:上海青年学徒公益项目烤出法式面包并带来崭新希望
Global Times: Shanghai youth apprenticeship charit
Hand in hand, bake a love-filled Christmas 联手烘焙一个有爱的圣诞节
Hand in hand, bake a love-filled Christmas 联手烘焙一个有
Alliance Française youngest students decorated Christmas biscuit 海上青焙坊与上海法语中心的小学员们一起欢庆圣诞
Alliance Française youngest students decorated Chr
Being part of a larger movement: experience-sharing with SYB’s Southeast Asian counterparts 成为一份子:与海上青焙坊东南亚的同伴们的经验分享
Being part of a larger movement: experience-sharin
An Extra-Special Christmas! 拥有一个特别的圣诞节
An Extra-Special Christmas! 拥有一个特别的圣诞节 This Chri
Come to SYB Baking Center for Your Teambuilding Activities 年终聚会的新去处
Come to SYB Baking Center for Your Teambuilding Ac