The experience of volunteering for Shanghai Young Bakers 在海上青焙坊做志愿者的体验
The experience of volunteering for Shanghai Young
Zhang Zhenghai sharing about Louis Lesaffre Cup 张政海老师的路易乐斯福杯经验分享会
Zhang Zhenghai sharing about Louis Lesaffre Cup 张政
视频:欢迎海上青焙坊SYB两位老师赴法归国短片 Video: Shanghai Young Bakers welcomes back its future teachers
After their one year training in France, the futur
SiTV:A small piece of bread, a huge step of charity 小小面包 大大公益
A small piece of bread, a huge step of charity 小小
SiTV:A small piece of bread, a huge step of charity 小小面包 大大公益
A small piece of bread, a huge step of charity 小小
The Young Bakers visit Lesaffre’ yeast factory in Anhui Province 海上青焙坊学员参观安徽乐斯福酵母工厂
The Young Bakers visit Lesaffre’ yeast factory in
SYB baking class for the children of Chi Heng Foundation has far reaching impact SYB 烘焙课对智行基金会儿童产生深远影响
SYB baking class for the children of Chi Heng Foun