SYB’s first Professional Training completed with success!海上青焙坊首期专业法式烘焙培训成功举办!
SYB’s first Professional Training completed with s
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 4 |Xiao Jinjin & Macarons海上青焙坊烘焙故事-第四章|肖金金和马卡龙配方
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 4 |Xiao Jinjin & Maca
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 4 |Xiao Jinjin & Macarons海上青焙坊烘焙故事-第四章|肖金金和马卡龙配方
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 4 |Xiao Jinjin & Maca
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 3 |Chen Hongtao & Italian bread recipe海上青焙坊烘焙故事-第三章|陈洪涛和意大利面包配方
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 3 |Chen Hongtao & Ita
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 3 |Chen Hongtao & Italian bread recipe海上青焙坊烘焙故事-第三章|陈洪涛和意大利面包配方
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 3 |Chen Hongtao & Ita
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 2 | Zhang Zhenghai & multi-cereal bread with dried fruits recipe海上青焙坊烘焙故事-第二章|张政海和多谷果干面包配方
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 2 | Zhang Zhenghai &
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 2 | Zhang Zhenghai & multi-cereal bread with dried fruits recipe海上青焙坊烘焙故事-第二章|张政海和多谷果干面包配方
SYB Baking Story-Chapter 2 | Zhang Zhenghai &
CPR Shanghai gives first-aid training to the Young Bakers 上海安刻急救培训向海上青焙坊学员们传授急救知识
CPR Shanghai gives first-aid training to the Young