An afternoon of fun at the Renewal Center! SYB探访日新中心

The students are playing table football with the guests 学生们与嘉宾在玩桌上足球

They are playing UNO 大家一起玩优诺牌

At SYB, some of the core values we want to instill to our students are solidarity and team spirit. After nearly one year spent together, and thanks to the great work and care of our social educator and trainers, strong friendships have emerged among the young bakers. However we also hope that they are open-minded and that they can reach out to people from other backgrounds.

This is why on Saturday 15th a group of young bakers spent the afternoon at the Renewal Center, an employment assistance program and resource center for Shanghai’s homeless population. The center currently serves about 80 visitors per week, mostly male migrants that have special personal impediments to reunion with families and integrating into China’s workforce.

The Renewal Center offers a broad range of services, from showers and laundry to internship and housing assistance program. Its goal is to create sustainable paths out of homelessness in Shanghai.

The students brought with them cheese cakes, pies and macaroons that they had baked during their pastry exams. Everything was devoured within a few minutes, to the great pleasure of the young bakers!

The cakes acted as an ice-breaker and the students then played games with the guests: UNO, ping-pong, table football…It was the first time for the young bakers to play these and they had a lot of fun! After dinner was served by the students, they went back to their school, happy of the afternoon they had spent and more aware that they are lucky to have a place that they can call home.




