Aimé Pâtisserie supports SYB : “Aimé l’Art” campaign 支持海上青焙坊的咖啡店Aimé Pâtisserie项目:艺术与慈善-“Aimé l’Art”

Aimé Pâtisserie supports SYB : “Aimé l’Art” campaign

Aimé Pâtisserie is glad to announce a series of collaborations with Chinese Contemporary Artists in 2015 under the project name: “Aimé l’Art”.

From January 15th to April 15th 2015, Aimé Pâtisserie and the Artist aaajiao are partnering to offer during a period of 3 months a 12 macarons box designed by aaajiao for Aimé Pâtisserie on the theme of the “Ocean” in a limited edition of 300 boxes.

Aimé Pâtisserie’s curstomers will discover and enjoy only during the period of collaboration the ephemeral macaron “aaajiao” created by Aimé Pâtisserie for aaajiao on the theme of the “Ocean”: Fleur de Sel de Guérande and milk chocolate ganache.

At the end of the year, all the partnering Artists will offer a piece of Art sculpture macaron box to be auctioned by Christie’s during the annual event “Aimé l’Art”. Aimé Pâtisserie and the Artists will donate all the profit of the auctions to “Shanghai Young Bakers”, helping disadvantaged Chinese youth to gain valuable bakery, pastry and social skills and to live independently after completion of their year-long training.

支持海上青焙坊的咖啡店Aimé Pâtisserie项目:艺术与慈善-“Aimé l’Art”

Aimé Pâtisserie 很高兴地向大家宣布:我们将在2015年相继和中国几位当代艺术家进行一系列的艺术与慈善协作,并将此项目命名为:“Aimé l’Art”。

Aimé Pâtisserie的顾客们将有幸在限定的时间内体验和享用限量版 “aaajiao”马卡龙,此马卡龙制作灵感同样来自“海洋”,是Aimé Pâtisserie 为 aaajiao 专门研制的,采用了法国顶级盖朗德天然海盐之花(Fleur de Sel de Guérande)和牛奶巧克力甘纳许。

从2015 年1月15号到4月15号,Aimé Pâtisserie 将与第一位艺术家 aaajiao(徐文恺) 携手以 “海洋”为主题向大家呈现和售卖限量版马卡龙礼盒,该礼盒由 aaajiao 徐文恺先生精心为 Aimé Pâtisserie 设计,礼盒内含 12 个马卡龙,将在三个月内限量销售 300 盒。

同样的方式我们还会和其他几位艺术家以不同的主题进行合作,到在 2015 年底,这几位艺术家将会 分别将我们的马卡龙礼盒进行精心雕琢,创作出来的艺术品将会在 “Aimé l’Art” 年度活动中被 放到世界著名艺术品拍卖行:佳士得拍卖行(Christie’s)去进行慈善拍卖。拍卖所得将会由 Aimé Pâtisserie 和艺术家们全部捐赠给公益组织:海上青焙坊 (Shanghai Young Bakers),以帮助更多 的中国贫困地区年青人学习和获取宝贵的烘培经验,甜点制作技巧以及社会生存技能,让他们能在 一整年的培训学习之后,独立的生存和改善生活条件。

aaajiao徐文恺先生简介:国内前沿的媒体艺术家、博客写手,同时也是一位文化交流的积极推动者。2003年创建声音艺术网站。2006年,创办基于We Make Money Not Art 的中文新媒体信息平台We Need Money Not Art。致力于推广 processing,一款开源的视觉程序软件。Dorkbot,一个非盈利的倡导创造的活动,以及 eventstructure,一家基于上海的跨艺术、设计、学 术以及新媒体技术领域的独立研究开发机构。他的作品通常专注于对数据的挖掘和使用,并试图以多种多样的形式将其表现,以此在数据与现实的“调制解调”之中完成对作品内涵的完整表达。他对中国新媒体艺术最重要的审美贡献在于他以自身的活跃姿态,在电脑软件的艺术应用方面,尽力扮演了国内外最新趋势的交流者与先行者角色。

aaajiao (XU Wenkai) was born in 1984 in Xi’an, and later moved to Shanghai, where he continues to live and work. aaajiao is one of China’s foremost media artists, bloggers and free culture developers. In 2003 he established the sound art website:, and in 2006 he founded the Chinese take on the blog We Make Money Not Art: We Need Money Not Art. He is devoted to Processing, an open source visual programming software, Dorkbot, a non-profit initiative for creative minds, and eventstructure, an interdisciplinary center for art, media technology and academic research based in Shanghai. In his works in general, aaajiao focuses on the use of data and its various forms of display, and how meaning is understood through the process of transforming the movement from reality, to data, and back again. His most significant aesthetic contribution to new media in China is a social one, acting as a vector for the interpretation and communication of international and local trends in the usages of software in artistic practice.

Aimé Pâtisserie

Huaihai Middle Road 1008 淮海中路1008号

(South Shaanxi Rd Station 陕西南路站)