A full day of Baking with Master Baker Dominique Genty from GMP 与巴黎大磨坊金牌面包师Dominique Genty沉醉烘焙日

One full day of Baking with Master Baker Dominique Genty from GMP

与巴黎大磨坊金牌面包师Dominique Genty沉醉烘焙日

Dominique Genty, Master Baker at Grands Moulins de Paris, was recently in Shanghai to attend Bakery China and offered SYB students a one-day-long master class. Grands Moulins de Paris (GMP) produces high quality French flour and has been a long-standing supporter of SYB, providing flour free of charge for the Young Bakers’ training.

来自法国巴黎大磨坊(GMP: Grands Moulins de Paris)的金牌面包师Dominique Genty近日在上海出席了第18届中国国际焙烤展览会(Bakery China),并带领上海海上青培坊(SYB)的学生共同进行了为时一天的大师课。巴黎大磨坊生产高品质的法国面粉,并已是海上青培坊的长期赞助商,免费为学员培训提供面粉。

After explaining the different recipes they would be baking during the day, Dominique Genty divided the students into four groups and very soon the baking marathon started! Following the instructions and demonstrations of the master, the students baked as many different products as possible: tradition bread, brioche, cereal bread, baguette, focaccia, fougasse, ciabatta… Dominique Genty even shared his very unique personal recipe for making croissant with SYB students, who took note and quietly listened to all his precious advice.

Dominique Genty首先向学生解释了他们当日将要烘焙面包的配料和方法,接着把他们分为四组,很快,烘烤马拉松便紧锣密鼓地拉开了帷幕!遵照老师的指导和示范,学生尽力而为烘焙出品种多元的面包产品:传统面包(tradition bread),奶油蛋糕(brioche),谷物面包(cereal bread),法式长棍面包(baguette),意式香草面包(focaccia),法式香草面包(fougasse)和意大利夏巴塔面包(ciabatta)等等。Dominique Genty还与海上青培坊学生分享了他羊角面包独一无二的自创食谱,全场学生侧耳倾听,认真记录,将大师的宝贵建议化为制作品质面包的决心。

One highlight of this class was the preparation of regional breads with their very specific shape. The students learned how to make Tabatière, Couronne bordelaise, Auvergnat, Pain du Limousin and Main de Nice, which are all French regional specialties. Although they had never done these kinds of bread before, the students replicated the shape with great precision and Master Baker Genty was really impressed by their talent!

本节大师课的亮点在于塑造形状别具一格的地方特色面包,学生们学会了如何制作烟盒形(Tabatière)、波尔多皇冠形(Couronne bordelaise)、蘑菇形(Auvergnat)、豪华轿车形(Pain du Limousin)和尼斯之手形(Main de Nice)等法国各地特色面包。尽管他们从未试过上述种类的面包,但仍能以极高的相似度临摹出自大师之手的各种形状,他们的才华令面包大师Dominique Genty惊叹并折服!

The students also had time to bake artistic bread. This year being the year of the goat in the Chinese calendar, Dominique Genty came prepared with goat shape stencils and very soon the students had baked a whole flock. The students also baked Buddha-shaped bread, which required a lot of precision and agility.

同时,学生们还抓紧时间制作了极富艺术气息的面包,今年是中国农历羊年,Dominique Genty还特意准备了山羊形状的模具。很快,烘焙室便“牛羊成群”。同时,学生们还烘培了佛陀形状的面包,足见其心灵手巧、技艺精湛。

At the end of the day, the students gathered all the products they made on three big tables as one was not enough to handle all this bread. As they were tasting the different breads they had been baking throughout the day, the students also enjoyed some relaxing time with Dominique who was happy to share about his career as a baker. His father being a baker, his passion for bread started at a very early age. After being a teacher for 15 years, Dominique Genty joined Grands Moulins de Paris, allowing him to travel to many countries and share his knowledge and passion by giving demo classes.

一天热热闹闹的大师课结束后,学生们所有的作品轰轰烈烈占满三张大桌,一张实在不足以应付。品尝着彼此辛辛苦苦亲手烘焙一整天的面包,学生们也展开了与大师兴致勃勃的探讨,特别是他如何白手起家并成为面包专家的事业历程。Dominique Genty的父亲就是一名面包师,因此他幼小的心灵很早便萌发了对面包的热爱和向往。15年的教师生涯后,Dominique Genty加入巴黎大磨坊团队,目前,他周游世界各国并传授指导,与不同民族文化分享他对面包的知识与激情。

As they were visiting Asia largest bakery fair «Bakery China» a few days later, the students were able to take a picture with Master Baker Genty on Grands Moulins de Paris booth. They were all really happy and proud to see the products they had baked a few days earlier being used to decorate the booth.

一天热热闹闹的大师课结束后,学生们所有的作品轰轰烈烈占满三张大桌,一张实在不足以应付。品尝着彼此辛辛苦苦亲手烘焙一整天的面包,学生们也展开了与大师兴致勃勃的探讨,特别是他如何白手起家并成为面包专家的事业历程。Dominique Genty的父亲就是一名面包师,因此他幼小的心灵很早便萌发了对面包的热爱和向往。15年的教师生涯后,Dominique Genty加入巴黎大磨坊团队,目前,他周游世界各国并传授指导,与不同民族文化分享他对面包的知识与激情。

The students of SYB and the SYB team would like to thank Grands Moulins de Paris for their great support to our program and Dominique Genty for spending the day with us and sharing his expertise and enthusiasm!

对巴黎大磨坊公司对本项目的大力支持,和Dominique Genty不吝惜其宝贵时间分享他的专业知识和热情,海上青培坊全体工作人员和学员衷心表达诚挚的感谢。

Anaïs, Partnerships

Translated by Lan Yao

