The Young Bakers visit the Zotter Chocolate Theater 海上青焙坊学员参观珍得巧克力剧院

The Young Bakers visit the Zotter Chocolate Theater

On June 21st, the rain could not affect the joy of the Young Bakers as they gathered to visit the Zotter Chocolate Theater! Opened since March 31st this year, the beautiful theater is located inside a 2400 sqm brick factory, along the Huangpu River in Yangpu district.


Welcomed by Julia Zotter, daughter of the founder Josef Zotter, the Young Bakers started the visit with an introduction to the Austrian-based company, in a real theater. At Zotter, all chocolates are following the organic and fair-trade regulations, and are directly imported from Austria. Afterwards, the students had the chance to taste pure cacao beans and were challenged to taste the more than 400 different flavors of chocolates!! It was also their first time seeing Chocolate Foutains and drinking Chocolate based beverages at the Chocolate Bar. One of the highlights of the tour was definitely the 16 different types of chocolates served on a conveyor-belt called the “Running Station”!!

在创始人Josef Zotter 的女儿Julia Zotter的欢迎下,学员们先是在真正的剧场内听取了这家奥地利巧克力工厂的介绍。在珍得,所有的巧克力都直接从奥地利进口,并遵循有机生产和公平贸易的原则。随后学员们开始品尝可可豆,甚至还向400种不同口味的巧克力发起挑战!这也是他们第一次看到巧克力喷泉,喝到巧克力吧台的巧克力饮品。游览的其中一个亮点无疑是“流动站”传送带上源源不断送出的16种不同的巧克力!

In addition to the fun and exciting aspect of the visit, the Young Bakers learnt about the employment opportunities at Zotter Chocolate Theather: indeed, the chocolates can be custom-made and the theater also offers chocolate-based catering made-on-request, a great opportunity for the Young Bakers aspiring to become Pastry Chefs.


We would like to give our warmest thanks to Julia and the Zotter family for offering the Young Bakers this opportunity to learn more about Austrian chocolate!


On that day, the Young Bakers had also the luck to come across the French Music Festival taking place once a year around town (Fête de la Musique) and enjoy the music nearby the riverside.


Emilie 艾米丽

Program Director 项目总监