Shanghai Young Bakers wins first prize in the non-profit category of the Rotary Leadership Awards 2015! 海上青焙坊问鼎2015年扶轮社领导力奖非盈利类一等奖

Shanghai Young Bakers wins first prize in the non-profit category of the Rotary Leadership Awards 2015!


On 22nd May 2015, the Rotary Club of Shanghai held its 5th annual gala dinner at the Swissotel hotel in Jing’an, Shanghai. More than 230 people attended to celebrate CSR leaders in China and to raise money to make a difference by supporting Gift of Life and Rotary Charities.

2015年5月22日,上海扶轮社第5届年度庆典在上海静安区宏安瑞士大酒店盛大开幕,晚宴来宾 230余人,高朋满座,胜友如云,共同见证表彰中国企业社会责任领袖的荣耀时刻,并为上海扶轮社慈善项目“生命的礼物”筹集资金,助力扶轮社公益事业的扬帆起锚。

The leadership awards aim to honor and showcase outstanding individuals, corporate and non-profit organizations that are making notable socially responsible achievements both in the city of Shanghai and throughout China, recognizing that these individuals and programs encourage and provide models for others to stimulate and develop their own socially responsible ideas.


“It’s an immense honor for Shanghai Young Bakers to have been awarded the first prize of the Rotary Leadership Awards,” Cecile Cavoizy shared during the ceremony. “Personally I’ve always been impressed with the way Rotarians use their influence and network to make a difference in the world. At Shanghai Young Bakers, we train marginalized Chinese youth in French bakery so that they can gain valuable skills to support themselves. But we hope to engage the community at large to do this together. Through our social enterprise activities, everybody can contribute to the success of our program by ordering breads and pastries, taking part in a bakery class, or organizing a team baking workshop. Thanks to the visibility given by the award, we look forward to inviting more people to experience SYB’s recipe for social change!”

“海上青焙坊摘得扶轮领导力奖头筹,我们深表荣幸,”Cecile Cavoizy在仪式致辞中说, “扶轮社凭借其广泛的社会影响力和人脉网络,为世界公益事业的发展做出了卓越的贡献,我个人一直印象深刻并由衷敬佩。在海上青焙坊,我们为中国边缘化、缺失教育机会的青年传授法式烘焙技巧,让他们获得一生受用的宝贵技能。正所谓‘授人以麦,三餐之需;授人以焙,终身之用’。不仅如此,我们还希望推动整个社会共同参与进来。通过我们的企业社会活动,每个人都可以通过订购面包和甜点、参加烘焙课、或者组织烘焙学习坊,为我们的公益计划助一臂之力。以该奖项的知名度,我们期待更多人能够品尝到海上青培坊的美味、见证海上青培坊的课程,为社会变革添砖加瓦!“

The prize funds will also help Shanghai Young Bakers cover the costs of its training program and empower more youth through bakery.

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Translated by Lan Yao