From Young Bakers to Young Piping Masters: SYB Students Follow the Wilton Method of Cake Decorating 从年轻烘焙师到蛋糕裱花大师:海上青焙坊学员学习惠尔通蛋糕装饰课程

During their internships at luxury hotels, most SYB students had seen their chef realize intricate wedding cakes using a sugar-based paste called fondant. They were all the more excited when they learnt that they would have the opportunity to learn this skill thanks to the cutting edge cake designer Rosalind Chan. Besides being a world renowned cake decorator, Rosalind and her husband Royson are very active and long term supporters of Chiheng Foundation. When they learnt last year that one of Chiheng’s program was aimed at teaching bakery and pastry to the underprivileged, they very kindly offered to conduct a training free of charge for SYB students! After a successful session last year, we were all very eager to welcome them back in our baking center.

Each group of Young Bakers had one day to pass the level 1 and 2 of the Wilton Method of Cake Decorating. Wilton had kindly sponsored the tools needed for the training, and thanks to Satin Ice our students were able to use top-notch fondant and gumpaste. A gifted and experienced trainer, the right tools and high quality ingredients: all the students needed to add were hard work and creativity!

From the moment the class began, a complete silence fell upon the baking center as the Young Bakers were focusing hard on creating their unique work of art. Step by step, they tried to reproduce the meticulous designs of Rosalind’s sugarpaste flowers and piping bag wonders. After more than eight hours of hard work, colours were bursting and flowers blossoming everywhere in the baking center, to the greatest joy and pride of the students! Some of them decided to customize their cake with a message: one whose mum is severely sick wrote “I wish you a fast recovery Mum”, another proclaimed “SYB I love you!”

We are grateful that so many warm-hearted individuals and companies love our program indeed, thank you to Rosalind, Royson, Wilton and Satin Ice for this memorable training!

Floriane, SYB program manager

当海上青焙坊的学员们在一些知名大酒店实习时,他们看到过许多大厨用带糖的面团制作出华丽的婚礼蛋糕。所以当学员们听说他们将有机会跟着顶尖的蛋糕设计师Rosalind Chan女士学习装饰蛋糕时,他们都非常激动。Rosalind不光是世界知名的蛋糕裱花师,她和她的丈夫Royson也是智行基金会的长期支持者。所以,去年当他们听说智行基金会旗下的一个项目致力于教授贫困地区的儿童学习烘焙时,他们慷慨地提出可以为海上青焙坊的学员免费进行蛋糕裱花训练。由于去年的课程非常成功,我们非常高兴看到他们上周再次出现在我们的烘焙中心。

每一组海上青焙坊的学员都需要在一天时间内通过惠尔通蛋糕裱花的级别1和级别2。惠尔通公司也十分大方地资助了进行培训所需要的工具。也多亏了Satin Ice的资助,学员们都用上了一流的软糖和面团。万事俱备,只欠东风:有了经验丰富的顶尖教师和高质量的工具与原料,学员们就差付出努力和发挥想象力了!


对于那些热心的个人和公司对于海上青焙坊项目的关心,我们感到十分感激。谢谢Rosalind和Royson夫妇,惠尔通公司和Satin Ice公司对我们的帮助,正是因为他们,才让学员们上了如此值得纪念的一堂课!
