海上青焙坊2013年7月简报月刊 SYB July 2013 Newsletter






SYB July 2013 Newsletter

Nearly one year has gone since I first met the 5th batch of future young bakers. They were scattered in their dorms as we were checking their documents and handing the arrival kits, and one could feel that the excitement of arriving in a big city and be able to study a skill was tinged by some anxiety regarding their future. On the pictures that we took on that day, many of them look at the camera with a very serious expression, as if trying to hide the concerns and questions lingering in their mind.

On Monday 15th July, as the French consul Emmanuel Lenain was presenting them with their diplomas, I remembered these pictures and was overwhelmed by the change they had undergone during that year. A student who looked concerned or scared at all times was now smiling with confidence; one who would look away when someone spoke to her was the most pro-active to take interviews during the career fair; another who has a speech impediment and would never talk in public before is now among the most talkative of the class; one who couldn’t speak mandarin performed an English skit in front of 100 persons.

As I told the young bakers before the graduation ceremony, growth is a never ending process, and they should always keep their thirst to learn and discover. They all carry a heavy burden of poverty or bereavement, and we gave them the warmth of a family and a unique technical skill. For many of them, this was the catalyst to reveal their personality and make them realize their potential. Although they are still young, they know who they are and they have set clear goals for themselves: they are bakers, and they want to excel at it.

Floriane, SYB program manager


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