新闻晚报:来自贫困家庭吃苦勤奋 11家企业“哄抢”20名烘焙师 Shanghai Evening Post: 20 Graduates from disadvantaged families Are So Much Wanted by 11 Companies

新闻晚报2013年7月16日A1叠-14-上海城事 记者:李一能



昨天,公益组织“海上青焙坊”的2013届毕业生在泰康路田子坊举行了毕业典礼。与此同时,由11家企业派出的代表来到会场开展了一场“人才争夺战”,试图将这批学员收入麾下。 “海上青焙坊”是2008年成立的一个公益组织,已在民政局注册。 5年前,12名在华工作的法国人在一次聚会中产生了创办一家公益烘焙学校的想法,免费让一些中国贫困家庭的孩子到学校学习正宗的法式烘焙技术,让他们能够自食其力改变命运。时至今日,已经有100多名学员顺利毕业,其中甚至有人前往法国顶尖烘焙学院继续深造,如今已经学成回国,成为了“海上青焙坊”教师的主力军。

学员金会子今年19岁,曾经在苏州一家工厂担任流水线工人。一次偶然的机会,她得到了一个前往“海上青焙坊”培训的机会。 “给你一个面包只能吃一天,但教你烘制面包的技能,你却能吃一辈子。 ”金会子告诉记者,这个简单的理由让她放弃了收入并不算低的流水线工作,她想成为一名烘焙师,用双手改变自己和家庭的命运。经过1年的培训,昨天金会子和她的同学正式毕业,她告诉记者对找到一份心仪的工作很有信心。



“这批学员有多少我们要多少。”一家企业的招聘负责人告诉记者,目前中国烘焙行业并不缺人,但缺乏训练有素的高质量人才。 “海上青焙坊”以培养掌握正宗法式烘焙技艺的烘焙师为特点,法式烘焙师则是目前行业最紧缺的人才之一。“现在行业中80%的烘焙师不专业,绝大部分人连烘焙百分比这一烘焙界的基本知识都不懂,所以水准一直上不去。 ”这位负责人告诉记者,从前中国市场消费者并不太讲究面包、西点的品质,好坏都能接受,但随着消费者要求的提高,口味正宗西式食物开始受到欢迎,于是受过正统专业训练的西点烘焙师成为了各家企业炙手可热的“哄抢”对象。



“我来这里希望能招募尽可能多的人才,原因有两点,他们的技术是最好的;他们能吃苦愿意从基层做起。”张立丰告诉记者,他所在的企业乃至整个行业都缺一线技术人才,比如服务员和烘焙师,“海上青焙坊”的学员专业和他的企业非常对路,稍加适应就能很快进入角色,而且这批学员都是来自贫困家庭的孩子,对自身的职业定位有着清楚正确的认识。“我们以前招募过3个‘海上青焙坊’学员,技术一流,也很勤奋,如今都发展得非常不错。 ”

张立丰说,相比之下,一些大学生毕业生就缺乏这种踏实苦干的精神,总想着一步登天,最后却是原地踏步。张立丰告诉记者,他的企业中就有一位大学生,经济专业毕业,到一家门店从服务员做起,短短几年就升职为分店经理,月薪已经过万。 “在经过一线的锻炼后,高学历就会成为一种优势,职业之路会比非大学生员工要顺畅许多,但前提必须是耐得住基层的磨练,摆正心态,勤奋好学,这样的人才无论做什么行业都能成功。”

20 Graduates from disadvantaged families Are So Much Wanted by 11 Companies

A special job fair was held yesterday afternoon in Tianzifang, Taikang road. 20 graduates of 2013 from the charity program “Shanghai Young Bakers” were eagerly wanted by 11 companies including multinational company tycoons like Carrefour. Even though the year 2013 is regarded as the “worst employment year ever”, yesterday’s job fair totally turned the rumor down. The 11 companies spare no efforts in selling themselves to the graduates. A manager from one of the companies told the reporter that two reasons make those graduates so much wanted by the companies. They are the best French bakers in China and they come from disadvantaged families, which suggest they can conquer difficulties with positive mindsets.

Graduation of 20 “valuable” bakers

“Shanghai Young Bakers”, a charity program held a graduation ceremony for their 2013 graduates yesterday in Tianzifang, Taikang Road. Representatives from 11 companies were invited to the ceremony to “fight for the talents” and try to bring some back to the company. “Shanghai Young Bakers” was a charity program founded in 2008 and registered in Civil Administration Bureau. Back to five years ago, when 12 Frenchmen in China gathered together, they first came up with the idea to create a charity program of baking to teach young people from disadvantaged families authentic French baking techniques for free so that they can make a difference in their lives. Five years have passed; the program now has already had more than 100 graduates. Some even went to France for further training and became teachers in “Shanghai Young Bakers”.

Jin Huizi, a 19 years old student, was once a factory worker in assembly line. She got an opportunity to go to “Shanghai Young Bakers” by chance. She told the reporter that she decided to quit her factory job when she knew that “Give an orphan some bread, you will feed him for one day. Teach him how to bake; you feed him for a lifetime”. Even she can get quite enough money from the assembly line work, she wanted to become a baker and change the life of herself and her family on her own. Jin Huizi, together with her classmates, was officially graduated yesterday after one year’s training. She told the reporter that she was very confident to get a decent job.

Graduates drastically ‘‘looted’’ by enterprise

During the job fair yesterday afternoon, employment groups of 11 enterprises such as Carrefour, Grand Hyatt Shanghai (Jinmaojunyue) and Sunflour were present and communicated with the students of SYB in order to absorb excellent talents. In addition to generous salary treatment, all the enterprises spared no effort to demonstrate their corporate culture in order that the students of SYB could feel a sense of attachment. Some of the enterprises who have recruited the graduates of SYB before, invited them to make a speech about their personal experience at the job fair for the sake of earning trust of the SYB students.

“We’d like to recruit this group of SYB students no matter how many they are.’’ A director of recruiting of one enterprise told the reporter that at present the baking industry in China doesn’t lack personnel, but there is a shortage of well-trained and high quality talents. Shanghai Young Bakers is characterized by training bakers who master authentic French baking skills and these bakers are among the rarest talents at the present moment. “ 80% of the bakers in this profession are not specialized nowadays; most of them don’t even master basic knowledge like baking percentage, thus the level has been stagnant.’’ This recruiting director informed the reporter that the consumers of the old Chinese market didn’t pay attention to the quality of bread or cake, and they accepted regardless. But with the increasing demand of consumers, western food with authentic taste began to be welcomed. In this case, the western bread bakers who have received a formal and professional training have become hot ‘‘looting’’ targets of each enterprise.

A high professional accomplishment is the key of getting a job

In this year 2013, which is considered as “the hardest job-finding year in history”, a large number of graduates are confronted with an employment difficulty, while graduates from Shanghai Young Bakers are surprisingly warmly welcomed by so many companies. Concerning this phenomenon, the general manager of SunFlour, Mr. Zhang Lifeng says it’s not exactly we don’t have enough job opportunities because first-class professional and technical personnel are always the most scarcest talents in every industry, meanwhile, lots of graduates are short of a correct mindset and have a deviation on the cognition between the reward they can get for their first job and their own ability.

“I am here to recruit members of them as many as possible. There are 2 reasons. Firstly, they have the best skill. Secondly, they can work hard and are willing to start from the basic level.” Mr. Zhang told us that his company and even the whole industry lack first-class professional and technical personnel, such as servers and bakers. The specialty of students from Shanghai Young Bakers just well matches his company, so they can entry the roles quickly after adapting themselves to the new company in a short time. Moreover, they all come from disadvantaged families, so they know their own career planning clearly. “We recruited 3 students from Shanghai Young Bakers. They all have first-class skill, also work very hard. And they all have very good career development now.”

Mr. Zhang said, in comparison, some college graduates lack of this hard-working spirit, always hope to get fast advancement in their career, but usually the results is just stepping on the same place. He told us, there is a college student who graduated from economic specialty, started his career from a waiter of his department store, and just spent several years to become a branch manager. Now his salary has been over one million a month. “After a period of exercising in the basic unit, a higher degree will become an advantage, so their career will be much smoother than non-university graduates. But the premise is that they should endure the exercise of the basic unit, adopt a positive attitude, work and study hard, and then such talented people, they will succeed in the future no matter what job they will do.”

(Credits to Lucky, Ting Xu and Buloo for translation)