SYB career fair: find a job, start a new life! 海上青焙坊招聘会:用工作开启新生活!

SYB students at the interview

SYB students at the interview

SYB career fair: find a job, start a new life!

On Monday July 15thin the afternoon, just before the Graduation Ceremony, Shanghai Young Bakers organized a Career Fair for the fresh graduates in order for them to meet some bakery professionals and to help them extend their network in the bakery field. More than ten companies came to meet our students such as Carrefour, Lesaffre, Grand Mercure Hongqiao, Pizza Marzano or Sunflour! From supermarkets to luxury hotels, as well as restaurants and bakeries, they were all looking for qualified and motivated bakers! The fact that so many companies would attend the career fair is a sign that Shanghai Young Bakers’ expertise in French bakery training is increasingly gaining recognition among F&B professionals.

People started arriving suddenly a few minutes before 3pm at the Melting Pot on No.288 Taikang Road. First, every professional presented his company and explained its history as well as the job opportunities and career development they offer.

Then, every company was able to interview some of the students. A bit shy at first, the students were hesitating on which company to meet first. However, after a few minutes, they were all sitting in front of a professional and discussing very seriously with them. A few students even continued the interviews until 7pm!

As their training ends at the end of July, they will have to decide soon among the different job opportunities that they have. Some of them want to go back closer to their hometown, some of them want to stay in Shanghai, some of them want to head to new horizons and work in Beijing for example. Shanghai Young Bakers gave them professional skills and the warmth of a family, it is now time for our 5th batch of Young Bakers to start their new life!

Anaël, SYB partnerships coordinator



下午3点不到,人们就陆续来到位于泰康路288号的The Melting Pot。首先,每家企业对自己的公司及其发展历史、工作机会、职业发展作了陈述。


