SYB第五批新生的第一堂烘焙课/First baking class for SYB 5th batch

First baking class for SYB 5th batch

On Monday August 27th, the students went to SYB baking center for the first time to attend the introductory theoretical baking class. Wang laoshi first emphasized the basic rules of hygiene to be respected while baking, then Xiao laoshi explained the name and function of all the equipment of the baking center, and Zhang laoshi finished by presenting the main ingredients of bread.

It was a lot of new knowledge to take in for the young bakers, but they stayed attentive until the end. On Tuesday all of this will make more sense to them, as they will attend their first practical lesson and bake their first bread ever!

By Floriane, SYB program manager SYB




Floriane ,SYB项目主管