三明治公益访谈1:授人以渔的Shanghai Young Bakers Sandwich Interview 1: Shanghai Young Bakers—Give baking skills, not bread.

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三明治公益访谈1:授人以渔的Shanghai Young Bakers



中国有句古话“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”,2009年,12位在上海工作生活数年的年轻法国人用实际行动给这句古话赋予新的注解: Give an orphan some bread, you feed him for one day; teach him how to bake, you feed him for a lifetime! (授人以麦,三餐之需;授人以焙,终生之用!)

他们有的是职业经理人,有的是艺术家,各行各业,他们希望能给这个生活着的城市回馈些东西。随着国内西式面包房数量快速增长以及高档酒店数目的增多,烘焙市场正经历蓬勃发展阶段,鉴于传统法式烘焙培训在中国市场的缺失,合格的法式烘焙师的紧缺,于是他们成立了一个名为“@海上青焙坊”(Shanghai Young Bakers, “SYB”)的公益组织,为来自全国范围内困难家庭17-23岁的青少年无偿提供一年的免费法式烘焙技术训练及生存技巧课程,以使得他们可以在毕业后找到合适的就业机会并自力更生。





Daisy (陆雯婷)是海上青焙坊的核心志愿者之一,从其成立之初(2009年4月)就以志愿者的身份加入,目前负责公共关系处理方面的事宜。她向我们介绍起这个颇有海派风味的公益组织时,自豪之情溢于言表。



目前每年招收的学员都是由SYB合作的6家NGO推荐,包括智行基金会,马大夫基金会,宝鸡新星流浪儿童援助中心,中国SOS儿童村,久牵志愿者服务社,Eden Ministry,然后SYB在这些推荐人选中通过材料进行筛选,其实在筛选中并没有非常明确的硬性标准,只要是属于弱势群体,SYB希望把这个有限的机会提供给最需要的人。



上述开支中九成以上来自中法企业和社会各界赞助和捐赠,主要包括家乐福基金会与标致雪铁龙等公司提供的项目运营资金及Sinodis、Grands Moulins de Paris和Lactalis捐助的原材料成本。同时去法国深造每人的开支大约在10多万元人民币,也需要SYB在每年预算外单独去募集,第一批的三个学员的资金也是由家乐福基金会资助。不过这种依靠外部基金会资助的运作模式对项目的持续运行存在较大不确定性,资金来源一直是SYB的主要问题。


在我们访谈Daisy前,一个朋友好奇地问我,SYB的学员每天学习制作的面包最后去哪里了?Daisy 告诉我们平时学生每天都会做出很多东西,原本其中很多都是浪费掉的,因为这里需要面包的实际需求方以及考虑物流运输成本。后来SYB和打工子弟爱心会合作后,确定了面包的实际需求方,面包会隔几天一起运到农民工子弟中心,但这种合作不久也因为没有单独资金覆盖物流运输成本而不得不中止。 “其实学员们在培训过一阵之后做出的成品在市场上完全有竞争能力,我们也会定期在上海几个定点市场进行摆摊销售,价格会比类似的85°C贵一点,但和其他的法式面包店差不多,因为我们进口原材料成本较贵以及完全是手工制作。”




这里我们和Daisy也讨论了关于社会企业(Social Enterprise)的理解,其实管理公司的定位完全是按照社会企业的方向,只是目前国内都尚没有一个权威的定义。社会企业是个很有意思的话题,但鉴于SYB目前管理公司的业务还非常小,因此我们将在之后的文章中再具体讨论。






The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your own riches, but to reveal to him his own. – Benjamin Disraeli.

你能为他人做的最大善事不是分享你的财富,而是让对方展现出自我—本杰明迪斯雷利(英国前首相)。 SYB很好地做到了这一点,所以在我们看来,他们的确在做一件很意义的事情,而且已经通过自己数年的摸索形成了良好的运作模式,如果能够通过更多资源让这个项目进行复制以惠及更多受益人群,将会是个多赢的局面。可是按照目前的情况,无论是项目本身的受益人群,还是管理公司的商业项目,都可能难以有较快的进一步发展,瓶颈主要还是在“人”身上,高流动性以及缺少稳定全职的核心团队都是目前制约其发展的原因,所以希望能有更多的资源能帮助到他们,能有更多像Daisy一样潜心投入的志愿者或者财务自由的商界人士能全心加入。在我身边听过无数人信誓旦旦地宣称想要经营一家自己的咖啡店,所以为什么不先试试和SYB一起努力实现公益咖啡店的设想呢?



作为核心志愿者,Daisy目前的本职工作是一个大型央企下属子公司的市场部品牌经理,但她之前的那段工作经历却更让我们好奇——四大会计师事务所税务部门。我们好奇在四大如此繁忙的工作中她是如何坚持SYB的志愿者工作。但她的回答却非常自然,“有时候确实人会比较累,但做一些自己喜欢的事情可以帮助自己放松,做这个东西本身就是一种休息的方式”。的确,我们说公益是一种生活的态度,如果在你的Work Life Balance这杆天平上公益是属于生活这部分的话,那的确并不会让你觉得有什么冲突,这也是很多三明治人的状态。特别是在这过程中,能够见证那么多实实在在的改变,帮助那些孩子获得改变,这种成就感让一切的努力都是那么值得。



这个机会来得很快,在我们将要完稿的时候,Daisy已经接受了新的工作offer,加入美商会专门从事CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility企业社会责任)工作。面对这个一直向往的机会,Daisy显得非常兴奋。在她明年1月入职前,她会用这个难得的间隙去云南进行一周的支教活动,“当做公益融入到你的心灵深处时,你会愿意在旅行时带上它,在茶余饭后念着它,与它共度重要的时刻,让它见证自己的成长。”

Sandwich Interview 1: Shanghai Young Bakers—Give baking skills, not bread.

Editor:As the first one of our Sandwich Talk Series, the article introduces an NGO which helps the underprivileged to gain working skills. Its training is so cool that our editorial team also desires to attend. However, the NGO needs lots of volunteers to maintain its operation. In particular, more resources are needed to realize its further development. You may find that you just have the ability to help, just like the interviewed volunteer, Daisy, who found a different direction of life here.

By Stanley

An old Chinese saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” In 2009, 12 French young professionals, who had been living in Shanghai for years, interpreted the old saying in a new way: Give an orphan some bread, you feed him for one day; teach him how to bake, you feed him for a lifetime!

Some of them are professional managers, some are artists. Coming from all walks of life, they hope to do something for the city they live in. With the rapid increase of western bakeries and top-level hotels, the bakery market is flourishing. As baking training institutions and qualified bakers are in great demand in China, the young French founded an NGO named Shanghai Young Bakers(@海上青焙坊, “SYB”), which provides 17-to-23-year-old adolescents free baking skill training courses as well as living skill courses to enable them to find jobs after graduation.

After 4 years’ practice, SYB has gradually formed its own operating method. By cooperating with other NGOs, around 20 students receive a one-year comprehensivetraining, including French bakery, Asian pastry classes, living skills and English courses. After graduation, most of them work in 4-or-5-star hotels and western bakeries. Among the twenty-one 2012 graduates, we find that many of them worked in top hotels like Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Le Royal Méridien Shanghai and Fortune Hyatt Hotel, etc. The students got an average salary of 2000-2500 RMB per month, provided with free living places and meals.

SYB has indeed helped those children by teaching them basic living skills and providing them the opportunity to develop in Shanghai.

Help Those with Urgent Need First

Daisy, who joined the organization from the beginning and is now incharge of public relations, is one of the core volunteers in SYB. While introducing the Shanghai-style NGO to us, she cannot hide her excitement and pride.
With a simple organizing framework, SYB was not registered at first. To guarantee its long-term and sustainable development, SYB became affiliated to Chi Heng Foundation in May 2010. SYB program thus operates and fundraises as a sub-program of Chi Heng and the SYB team began to have their own area within the Chi Heng office. “Being affiliated to big foundations” was a usual practice for many early-stage NGOs, so the NGOs could give invoices for donations and could hold more activities. For example, One Foundation was affiliated to Red Cross Foundation of China at the beginning and raised funds through the “Red Cross & One Foundation plan”. Money raised through this plan was appropriated to One Foundation by Red Cross Foundation, while Red Cross Foundation gave invoices tothe donors. The umbrellafoundation has the responsibility to monitor the operation of its affiliated NGOs and has the right to get some funds from the donations for the managingexpenses.
SYB needs professional baking teachers. In the beginning, a professional baker was teaching the students as a volunteer. After several years, now SYB has three full-time bakery chefs, all of whom are SYB graduates. They were selected to study in EFBPA in France for a year. They returned to Shanghai in August 2011 after getting degrees in bakery and pastry from that sshcool. Their expenditures in France were covered by SYB, so they agreed to teach in SYB for three years. We like the sustainable operating mode a lot: beneficiaries can also contribute to the group, which also motivates present students to learn harder; also, the oversea experience has laid a foundation for the students’ better development.
SYB students are recommended by its 6 cooperating NGOs, including Chi Heng Foundation, Madaifu Foundation, Xinxing Assistance Center For Street Children in Baoji, China SOS Village, Jiuqian Volunteer Center and Eden Ministry. Then SYB would select from those recommended. Actually there are no fixed and hard standard. As long as students are underprivileged, SYB would like to provide them the opportunity.

Exploring for Sustainable Development

To maintain the baking training of over 20 students, SYB needs more than 1 million RMB to cover its operating fee, which includes ingredients and equipment fee, rent for the baking centre, dormitory fee of students and salaries for employees of SYB. Since the courses are based on French baking certificates and most of its raw materials are imported, the cost is comparatively high. And SYB rent an over 100-m2 baking centre, transformed from a vacant plant.

90% of its spendings are covered by sponsorship and donations. Carrefour Foundation and PSA Peugeot Citroëncover the program’s operational costs, while Sinodis, Grands Moulins de Paris and Lactalis donate ingredients. In addition, SYB needs to raise money for students who further their study in France, which is about 100,000 RMB per head. Carrefour Foundation sponsored the first 3 students. But relying on external foundations is not a stable solution. How to raise money is always a main challenge for SYB.
Therefore, from 2011 on, SYB founded the “SYB Consulting Ltd” (referred to as SYB Consulting), a registered company industrial and commercial administration. SYB Consulting earns money by giving baking courses to corporations or groups, selling bread made by SYB students, etc. SYB has recently held a baking workshop for KPMG. Besides, about 20 people including KPMG partners, senior managers and clients would attend SYB’s public classes in the mid of December. Public classes areheld in the baking centre, tutored by the 3 baking trainers mentioned before. Despite the course is quite charming, public courses are only held occasionally due to its expensive fee.
Before our interview with Daisy, a friend of mine asked about how SYB bread is dealt with. Daisy told us that once SYB cooperated with Migrant Children centre, but the cooperation has to be ended due to the lack of delivery fund. “Actually the bread our students made is very competitive, we would sell bread in several markets at weekends. The price is a little higher than 85°C, but equal to those at French bakeries. Our cost is higher since our raw materials are imported.”
Chinese consumers would not choose a product because it comes from a NGO. They seek more about the quality. SYB understands that the taste of its bread is of vital importance if it hopes to have good performance in the market. However, as result of lacking stable selling channels and cheap delivery channels, they are not making much profit. SYB is still on its way to become self-supported.
All the income will be used for the traning program, serving as a source for funds.

More Professionals are Welcomed

In the end we talked about the future of SYB. Currentlytwenty-one students (graduating in 2013) are being trained. They are already the fifth batch since 2009. As the operating mode has been stable, why is the number of students always around 20? “The main reason is the limit of fund. We need money to do abetter training. We hope to focus on the work we are doing now and to spread our experience to other NGOs, helping them to develop their baking classes.” In 2012, SYB helped Braille Without Borders to develop its own bakery training for blind Tibetan youth, which is exactly what Daisy called “spread our experience”. However, there are not so many similar baking organizations within our nation, so the beneficiaries are likely to be confined to a small group.
One of their long-term goals is to collaborate with graduates to open a social cafe, fundraising for other programs and providing communication space for people passionate about social welfare. Similar cafes appear in many cities in China, including Shanghai, but not many of them are operating smoothly. In our view, without business talents, it is difficult for NGOs to operate such a cafe successfully. “At the soonest, maybe we will put this idea into action in next spring, giving those who are concerned a surprise.” Indeed, SYB has some natural advantage in this aspect. We are looking forward to seeing their success.
We can feel that SYBers are very devoted to their social practice. In order to save cost, SYB has reduced its employees to an extreme. “We have only two full-time managing employers, who are French people speaking fluent Chinese. One is the program manager and the other is the former programe manager who is now in charge of finance and holds a concurrent post in Chi Heng Foundation. They have only symbolic salaries compared to their curriculum vitae. The otheremployees are volunteer-like.” Besides Daisy, who is in charge of public relations, there are two more core volunteers, respectively in charge of “promotion” and “volunteer and partnership managing”. For the program part, there are three trainers, all of whom are first-batch graduates, and asocial educator, who takes care of the students’daily life.
To further develop, both SYB program and SYB consulting need the help of core volunteers. There are tremendous volunteers who are applying and have been added to the volunteer database, but their participating degree is extremely different. More volunteers would like to help in activities, promotion and translation. SYB welcomes more stable volunteers with long-term commitment to join, like Daisy, to take charge of part of the SYB operating. IT volunteers are especially welcomed, who will be in charge of website design and management. You can go to their website (www.shanghaiyoungbakers.com) to know more about how to join.
The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your own riches, but to reveal to him his own. – Benjamin Disraeli.
SYB is exactly doing so. They are doing a thing very meaningful and they’ve explored a good operating mode. If more resources are provided to replicate this program, more people will get benefits.

Volunteer Itself is a Kind of Rest

As a core volunteer, Daisy’s is a marketing manager in branch of a big central enterprise. Yet we are more curious about her former work experience, working in the tax department in the Big Four Auditors. How could she do SYB volunteer work and the busy work at the Big Four at the same time? She answered in a natural way, “Sometimes it is really tired, but doing something I like could help me relax. Volunteer here itself is a kind of rest.” Some people say that volunteering is a kind of life attitudes. If volunteering belongs to the life part in the Work Life Balance, then no conflicts will happen. That is somewhat similar to many Sandwichers. What’s more, you could see the tangible change and help the children change, which is worthwhile for all the efforts.
Daisy told us it was also the experience in SYB that makes her know what she really wants and where her life passion is. Working at the Big Four Auditors is prospective, but the volunteer experience make her realize she may have more potential in other areas. That’s the reason why she chose to leave the Big Four and turn to maketing.
“I hope to accumulate more knowledge in marketing in the short term, since my work experience is still little. In the meantime, I will do volunteering in my spare time. In the long term, I hope to devote myself completely in to NGOs, or found an NGO myself.
The chance came very soon. Just before our article completion, Daisy has accepted a new job offer, doing the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) work in American Chamber of Commerce. Daisy is very excited about this opportunity. She will go to Yunnan to do volunteer teaching beofore her new career in next January. “When volunteering spirit has integrated your heart, you would like to do it in your turnand think about it in your daily life. You would like to experience important moments with it and let volunteering witness your achievement.”