SYB 2016 May Newsletter 海上青焙坊2016年5月简报月刊

Shanghai Young Bakers celebrated bread & bakers in May!


Read the full newsletter…


Exactly one year after the Lesaffre Cup in Shanghai, which led SYB trainer Zhang Zhenghai to compete at the World Bakery Cup in Paris last February, everyone gathered to celebrate, during a month full of interesting events!

On May 11th, the Shanghai Young Bakers team was very honored to attend the “Fête du Pain”, where French Consul of Shanghai M. Cruau and MOF Christian Vabret thanking the actors and promoters of French bakery in Shanghai, with special words for the SYB teachers who have been contributing to the transmission of French bakery expertise in China for now several years. The evening was a great chance for them to be reunited with their former trainerChristian Vabret, as all SYB teachers were trained at his prestigious institution in France, Ecole Française de Boulangerie Pâtisserie d’Aurillac.


五月十一日,海上青焙坊团队非常荣幸地受邀参加法国面包节。法国驻上海总领事Cruau先生, 及法国最佳面点师Christian Vabret先生均在讲话中感谢了在上海致力于推动法式烘焙发展的人士,并特别赞扬了海上青焙坊的老师们,感谢他们多年以来在中国教授法式烘焙技艺做出的贡献。当晚,海上青焙坊的培训师们和他们曾经的老师Christian Vabret重聚,SYB的老师们都曾经在Christian Vabret先生的奥里亚克烘焙学校接受过烘焙培训。

The following day, the Young Bakers visited the world’s largest bakery fair, held each year in Shanghai, which rallies international bakers, confectioners and other actors of the food industry, a great opportunity for them to visit our generous in-kind sponsors!

The morning started with a visit of our flour sponsor Grands Moulins de Paris, where the students had the chance to meet Chef Baker Romain Perrigot, whom a few days later gave a Master classtogether with Chef Baker Dominique Genty at the SYB baking center. The Young Bakers also had the chance to visit Sinodis, our in-kind sponsor in dairy ingredients and chocolate, and to watch a special demonstration on European pastries by the Elle&Vire and Corman Chefs. At SYB’s longstanding partner and sponsor Lesaffre, the Young Bakers were very excited to see SYB trainers Zhang Shuai and Zhang Zhenghai showing the audience how to make a traditional French bread, together with Master baker Dominique Genty. The students also had the chance to learn more about our in-kind sponsorKolb, with a special presentation of their new highly qualitative equipment!


早晨,我们先参观了我们的面粉赞助商巴黎大磨坊的展台,在这里学生们拜访了烘焙师Romain Perrigot,他几天前曾在海上青焙坊烘焙中心和另一位烘焙师Dominique Genty为学生们上了一堂大师烘焙课。学生们还拜访了西诺迪斯, 我们乳酪产品及巧克力的友情赞助商,并且观看了一场由爱乐薇及Corman西点师带来的别开生面的甜点制作展示。在海上青焙坊的长期伙伴兼赞助商乐斯福的展区, 海上青焙坊的青年烘焙师们非常激动的看到了他们的老师张帅和张政海及烘焙大师Dominique Genty向观众们展示如何制作传统的法式面包。学员们还在海上青焙坊另一个友情赞助商高比Kolb展区看到了最新的高质量厨房设备!

Even though the bakery industry is still quite a new world for the Young Bakers, the visit enabled them to broaden their vision on the endless opportunities it has to offer: from high-quality ingredients and ovens, to machinery, packaging solutions and so on, the students left the fair with new, higher, expectations for their future and even more confidence in the precious skill they have been learning for almost a year!


On behalf of the SYB team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our in-kind sponsors and partners, who have been contributing to the high-quality of the Young Bakers’ training, bringing hope and confidence to by now over 150 marginalized young adults!


Emilie, Program Director

