The Secret behind King’s cake 国王饼的秘密

People without a European cultural background might be quite unfamiliar with King’s cake. When and why do people eat it? Let’s reveal the secrets behind the King’s cake!


King’s cake, or “Galette des Rois” in French, is eaten specifically during the Epiphany, which is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ. The Epiphany is often celebrated on the second Sunday following Christmas. In 2016, it will be on the 3rd of January.


It could be traced back to thirteenth century that people shared a King’s cake during the Epiphany. At the very beginning, it was a round shape cake similar to the shape of the sun. Today, the most popular one is the King’s cake made of Danish pastry filled with frangipane. It can also be a brioche with sugar and fruits or a Danish pastry filled with jam or stewed apples depending on different countries and regions. Besides, a charm would be added within the filling, while a golden paper crown on the top of the cake.


Along with the long tradition of the King’s cake, it is both meaningful and interesting to follow the rituals of enjoying this dessert with your friends and family:

  1. Cut the cake into pieces. Always cut one more piece of the cake and it is called “the piece for poor people”.
  2. The youngest child has to crawl under the table and decide which guest will have which piece
  3. The guest who accidentally gets the charm in his/her cake will take the crown and become the king or queen that night and he/she could choose the queen or king.

All in all, King’s cake is a tasty pastry to have at the beginning of a brand new year and following the rituals would add even more joy.If you are interested to taste SYB king’s cake, don’t hesitate to contact us!

  1. 把国王饼切成若干份的时候,始终记得要比在座的人数多切一块国王饼,多出来的这份在传统意义上是留给第一个上门乞食的穷人的,以体现主人的乐善好施
  2. 在座最为年幼的一位需要爬到桌子底下,在看不到国王饼的情况之下确定哪位客人能获得哪一份
  3. 幸运地获得国王饼中的小饰品的那一位客人可以获得金色的王冠并加冕为那一天的国王或王后


208 Yuan Around 6 pieces
228 Yuan 8-10 pieces
*Please note the delivery time: Order before Tuesday, receive the delivery on Friday.
Contact Information:
To order the offer, please contact Mei at or 136 8168 7194

208元 约6人份
228元 8至10份
请联系社会企业协调负责人:美恩 baking@shanghaiyoungbakers.com或136 8168 7194

If you would like to know more about the making of the King’s cake, join us on our January public class and learn the authentic recipe of King’s cake and Mille Feuille!(add link)
