Every week, the SYB students make many delicious French-style breads or cakes, according to their training curriculum. They definitely cannot eat all of it by themselves (!), so in order to avoid food waste and also as a way to raise funds for our charity program, we sign up to Saturday markets (such as Jiashan market or SEE market), and sell what they have made. It’s a great way for us to showcase our baking expertise and tell people about our work empowering disadvantaged youth.
Candice: In SYB, I can always see passionate and young faces who are really into bakery and helping others. I can feel their passion and happiness, making me a really luck one to get some of those from them too.
Thursday 5th April, 7pm (SYB office, Changshou Rd/Wuning Rd)
Please sign up beforehand with Mitty on communication@shanghaiyoungbakers.com to receive the full address.
For more information about the markets, feel free to contact Mengxin through:
Saturday 10th March, SEE Market (Metro Town, Zhongshan Park St)