Be part of the change!
We are always seeking volunteers who can contribute their time and expertise in helping SYB solidify various aspects of the programme. The best way to volunteer with us is by understanding what your strengths are and how you can direct your key capabilities into helping SYB. By volunteering with us, you can also further develop your own skills.
Volunteer opportunities include: translating, IT troubleshooting, fundraising, organizing events, designing, looking for sponsors, promoting our charity programme at markets, taking professional pictures at events, etc.
Each month we organize a volunteers meeting, where everyone is welcome: you can learn more about our charity programme and our needs before deciding how you can help. Volunteers contribute according to their available time and resources but we highly encourage volunteers to commit to a minimum of 3 months in order to make a positive impact and gain experience in the process.
Please contact to find out more about SYB and how you can lend a hand.