Docu Channel: 25th hour

Docu Channel: 25th hour “My foreign neighbor” Docu TV made a report on foreigners in Shanghai that includes the Shanghai Young Bakers program. 上海纪实频道真实第25小时节目《我的邻居是老外》中关于海上青焙坊的报道。

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SYB&BWB 西藏之行记录视频/SYB&BWB Tibet trip Video

check out the video about SYB trip to Tibet made by communication intern Wang Yue 观看由SYB媒介推广实习生王悦制作的西藏之行视频。

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click here to watch the video Wang Huiping, 23, is now an intern baker at one of Shanghai’s top hotels along the Bund. Wang spends his afternoons preparing snacks for the hotel’s afternoon tea sets while a master baker watches on. Wang joined the “Shanghai Young Bakers” program last August

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上海hoF创始人Brian Tan &SYB video

Click here to see the video.

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SYB Promotion Video (short, with subtitles)

Click here to see the video.

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Channel News Asia – Baguette classes for China’s poverty-stricken youths

SHANGHAI: A charity in Shanghai is giving poverty-stricken youths a chance to change their fate. Every year, some 20 young people enter a training programme to become French bakers. 19-year-old Wang Hui Ping came to Shanghai from her village in Anhui two months ago. She is one of the 21

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海上青焙坊推广影片 SYB Promotion Video

拍摄于项目初期的推广影片 A promotion video made at the beginning of the program

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寻迹论坛海上青焙坊介绍短片 SYB Introduction Video Made by Xunji

复旦大学寻迹论坛主要由新加坡交流生组成,旨在关注并促进社会创新性项目。该短片为2009年秋季新加坡学生为应邀参与论坛的海上青焙坊所制作。 Xunji , aiming at promoting social innovative programs, is a student forum mainly consisting of Singapore students. This SYB video is made by 2009 Sigapore students.

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