The Young Bakers followed Silliker hygiene training 实力可公司向海上青焙坊学员们提供卫生培训
The Young Bakers followed Silliker hygiene training 实力可公司向海上青焙坊学员们提供卫生培训 Observing hygiene rules are prerequisite when working in F&B professional environment. In order to raise awareness among the students about hygiene and food safety, Randy Wang, from Silliker, accepted for the 4th year to come to our baking centre to provide them
The Young Bakers’ yearly traditional outing to the Bund 海上青焙坊年度外滩行
The Young Bakers’ yearly traditional outing to the Bund 海上青焙坊年度外滩行 There are some traditions that cannot be avoided and that we are proud to organize. Every year SYB’s first outing with the students is the visit of the Bund. The Bund is what anyone wants to see when coming to