Join SYB next pastry class and learn how to bake macaroons and lemon pies! 报名参加海上青焙坊对外甜点课程来学习制作马卡龙和柠檬挞吧!

Join SYB next pastry class and learn how to bake macaroons and lemon pies! In order to fundraise for the program, Shanghai Young Bakers offers half-day public baking classes, taught by SYB teachers. On May 24th, you will have the opportunity to learn everything about the secrets of the most

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Subscribe NOW to SYB next open baking class, on March 29th! 海上青焙坊将于3月29日开设对外烘焙课程,快来预定吧!

Subscribe NOW to SYB next open baking class, on March 29th! The SYB team is pleased to announce that our next public bakery class will be held on March 29th, Saturday, from 10:00-15:00. SYB baking classes are: -Fun: Join other food lovers and learn how to bake from scratch! -Professional:

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New offer: subscribe to SYB monthly cake box! 新品上市:快来订购海上青焙坊每月的蛋糕盒子吧!

New offer: subscribe to SYB monthly cake box! Dear Shanghai Young Bakers’ supporters and Pastries’ lovers, The SYB team has always been very excited about November, not because winter is coming or the holidays season is approaching, but because a magic moment is happening in our young bakers’ training life.

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海上青焙坊将参加12月7-8日在老码头举行的圣诞市集 SYB will attend the Christmas Market from Dec. 7th to Dec.8th at the Cool Docks

海上青焙坊将参加12月7-8日在老码头举行的圣诞市集 12月7日和12月8日,您将能够在享受上海风景线的同时参加一场盛大的圣诞派对! 每天下午1点至晚上9点,海上青焙坊都将在南外滩老码头的四、五号仓库参加圣诞派对。我们将在那里为孩子们举办一个烘焙工作坊,你可以在两位西点师的帮助下装饰自己的姜饼屋。 除此之外,这场圣诞派对也能让你体验一站式购物,买到不同的圣诞礼物(包括手工艺品、首饰、玩具、书籍、衣服、装饰品等)并且还能享受到圣诞期间的美味(如热葡萄酒、饼干、热巧克力、华夫饼、姜饼、啤酒、糖果…) 晚上,所有的地方都会被照亮,市集将更具魔幻色彩。 时间:12月7日 & 12月8日,13:00-21:00 地点:外马路653号南外滩老码头第4-5号仓库 SYB will attend the Christmas Market from Dec. 7th to Dec.8th at the Cool Docks A magical Christmas market on December 7th & 8th by the beautiful skyline of Shanghai! From 1pm to 9pm on both days, Shanghai Young Bakers will

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SYB Will Join Expat Show in September 海上青焙坊将参加九月举行的旅居人士服务展览会

Expat Show Shanghai comes back for its 7th edition, on September 6-7-8, 2013 at Shanghai Exhibition Center with 150 exhibitors. SYB will attend Expat Show this year by selling delicious baguettes, contry breads, croissant, brioche, ciabatta, foccacia and Viennese bread. Expat Show 2013 dedicated its full resources to create the

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SYB邀您参加7月15日学生毕业典礼 SYB invites you to join the graduation ceremony on July 15th

我们诚意邀请本文所有读者参加将于2013年7月15日(周一)晚7点在黄浦区泰康路288号二楼The Melting Pot(阳光小筑)举行的海上青焙坊第五届毕业典礼。 活动将在晚上7点开始。毕业典礼正式开始之前,将有一个简短的自由交流时间。为了庆祝海上青焙坊走过第五个年头,我们将邀请出色的毕业生们分享他们的成功故事,并介绍其他通过烘焙技术帮助人们自力更生的慈善项目。 入场券分为70元/人和100元/人两种。70元入场券可畅饮场内所有饮料,100元入场券包含饮料畅饮、任意品尝SYB乳蛋饼、西点及面包,和一张抽奖券。 法国驻沪总领事伊曼纽尔·卢力捷先生、上海慈善教育培训中心副主任徐本亮先生以及我们的赞助商、合作伙伴都将出席此次毕业典礼。欢迎加入我们。 海上青焙坊第五届毕业典礼 日期:2013年7月15日,周一 时间:19:00 地点:黄浦区泰康路288号2楼阳光小筑 请发送邮件至event@shanghaiyoungbakers.com联系Sophie预定席位。 We are pleased to invite all who read this article to attend Shanghai Young Bakers’ 5th Graduation Ceremony, on Monday 15th July at the Melting Pot. The event begins at 7:00pm starting with a networking session, followed by the

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青焙坊将于本周末参加Oasis新天地市场 SYB Attends Oasis Xintiandi Flea Market This Weekend

青焙坊本周六、周日(20、21日)将于Oasis新天地市场售卖面包,主办方承诺,每100位顾客中的前四十位将获得一份大礼包,内有各商家的赠品。欢迎各位前来选购! 时间:4月20日&4月21日 11:00-18:00 地点:太仓路58号 SYB students will sell bread on Saturday and Sunday (April 2oth and 21st) at Oasis Xintiandi. The organizer promise that 40 gift bags will be given to every 100 visitors coming to the market. You are just welcomed to come! April 20th and 21st, 11:00-18:00 @

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让青焙坊蛋糕点亮您的婚礼盛典! Make SYB part of your important celebrations!

没有谁不想拥有难以忘怀的婚礼,或者为心爱的人举办特别的生日聚会……何不来订购青焙坊出品的蛋糕,为这些日子增添些独一无二的味道呢?青焙坊可以制作造型别致的法式婚礼蛋糕,由奶油泡芙交错堆叠而成,绝对会让你的宾客眼前一亮!最重要的是,所有收入将用于我们的慈善项目,可以帮助更多的贫困青少年学习法式烘焙技艺。 点击此处查看更多青焙坊产品,请联系baking(at)shanghaiyoungbakers.com了解更多信息! Everyone dreams of having an unforgettable wedding, or of celebrating a special birthday for a loved one…Make these celebrations even more unique by ordering an SYB cake! We can do beautiful wedding cakes such as the traditional French pièce montée, an intricate assemblage of cream puffs that will

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