SYB爱心义送/SYB gives bread to the children in CMC

Every week, SYB students will made lots of bread during the bakery class, and if we cannot find a way to sell them or give them to others, most of the bread will go bad and be thrown away. Now volunteers help us to deliver the bread to the NGO

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2012 毕业典礼/ 2012 Graduation ceremony

2012 Graduation ceremony After a year of hard work, the 21 students of SYB’s 4th enrollment finally reached the completion of their training. Around 80 professionals from the F&B industry inShanghai and NGO representatives, along with M. Emmanuel Lenain, French General Consul ofShanghai, and Mr. Xu Benliang from the Shanghai

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2012招聘会/2012 Career fair

2012 Career fair Shanghai Young Bakers is pleased to announce that all 21 of its fourth enrollment graduated from the year-long bakery and internship program. The graduation ceremony was held in 16th July. Prior to the ceremony, SYB organized a career fair where graduates were provided with the opportunity to

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7月14日法国国庆日/National French day, 14th of July

National french day, 14th of July, The French consulate organised an event for the french national day on 14th of July. SYB was honored to sponsor the bread for this event. More than 600 guests had the opportunity to taste the bread made by Shanghai Young Bakers teachers, accompany with

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2012期末考试/2012Final exam

Mr. Patrick Bourgade, bakery trainer at the French bakery school of Aurillac EFBPA and a regular supervisor of the French CAP exam, led SYB’s final bakery exams. The French baking exams started on 1st July and last til the 4th July, with the students separated into 3 groups for each

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久牵活动/SYB students visit partner NGO Jiuqian

久牵活动 2012年6月24日上午,海上青焙坊的学生来到久牵浦西中心共度端午佳节,久牵的22名同学和海上青焙坊的22名同学进行有趣的配对。久牵的武子璇同学和王欢同学为大家演奏钢琴曲目。 海上青焙坊的同学们一开始见到那么多陌生的小伙伴,显得有些许局促,久牵的孩子们就主动邀请我们的学生一起做游戏。渐渐的海上青焙坊同学们的积极性也被调动起来了,和久牵的孩子们玩得不亦乐乎,笑声阵阵。久牵的孩子很友善也很活泼,安排了非常多的活动和节目,海上青焙坊的同学们都玩的很开心,活动的最后,大家一起分食了粽子,青焙坊的同学们也带去了他们自己制作的面包,让久牵的孩子们品尝。 Zoey, 生活老师 SYB students visit partner NGO Jiuqian On the morning of June 24th, students from Shanghai Young Bakers went to Jiuqian Puxi center to spend the Dragon Boat festival. Jiuqian is one of SYB’s partner NGOs, and aims at empowering underprivileged children through music. 22 children

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烹饪大赛/SYB students attend Bocuse d’Or Asia cooking competition

烹饪大赛 2012年6月12日-14日,在上海浦东展览馆举办了法国国际酒店、餐饮、食品展 (SIRHA上海展),在此期间,博古斯世界烹饪大赛亚洲赛区选拨赛也在展会上同期举行。博古斯世界烹饪大赛是世界上最隆重的美食竞技,也是一场激动人心的美食盛典,它被誉为是美食界的奥林匹克,6月14日,海上青焙坊的同学们前去浦东展览馆参观博古国际烹饪大赛的盛况及,同时也可以通过展会了解更多来自于法国的美食文化。 此次作为参展商之一的SYB也在展会上有自己的一方展区,我们提供了自己制作的法棍、布里奥、羊角等面包,也带去了很多艺术面包放在我们的展柜里进行展出。 在展会上海上青焙坊的同学们品尝了来自法国的冰淇淋,其中还有非常特别的榴莲味的冰淇淋,以及其他各种美食和饮品。同时也观看了法国那些精致西餐的演示SHOW,看着一样样看似简单的材料在大厨的巧手下,变成了一道道精美的菜色。最后学生们在烹饪比赛的区域观看了紧张而精彩的比赛。 Zoey, 生活老师 SYB students attend Bocuse d’Or Asia cooking competition From June 12th to June 14th, the Shanghai Pudong Expo Center hold an exhibition gathering French hotels, restaurants, and catering industry, as well as the Bocuse d’Or Asia finals. The Bocuse d’Or is a worldwide

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Carrefour Foundation Director visits SYB baking center

On June 11th, Annick Vergne, Director of the Carrefour Foundation, visited Shanghai Young Bakers’ baking center as part her tour to assess the projects sponsored by the Foundation. She tasted the breads and pastries made by the students during class, and chatted with the young bakers about their experiences. Shanghai

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