Included organizes an Urban Immersion Day for SYB students Included为SYB学生组织城市探访活动
Included organizes an Urban Immersion Day for SYB students On Sunday December 2nd, the 21 SYB students met at the Urban Planning Museum. They knew that they were going to take part in an activity, but we had kept the content as a surprise and they were all excited to
SYB holds a public class for Brits Abroad SYB为Brits Abroad组织公开课程
SYB holds a public class for Brits Abroad On Nov. 22th, 2012, SYB organized a public class for Brits Abroad in our baking center. During the class, 9 people from Brits Abroad learned how to bake traditional French bread and Viennese such as Brioche and country bread. Before the start,
秋风凉意不减心中温暖 The autumn coolness doesn’t diminish warmth in our hearts
秋风凉意不减心中温暖 —记2012下学期SYB第一次活动 2012年11月18日下午一点,在我校权力老师的指导下,由本期SYB活动联络人张陆海及复旦大学本科生助学成才家园活动部副部长杨郑晶带领的8名同学,在上海市曹杨职业技术学校开展了“SYB学员感恩节活动”。此次活动主要是希望通过三个小时的交流沟通,使大家在互动学习的同时心怀感恩,增进同学之间的相互了解与信任,学会感恩身边的人,向周围的人表达心中的感恩之情。 下午1点30左右,复旦大学一行人如时抵达了上海市曹杨职业技术学校。一进教室,大家就一起积极搬来桌子椅子布置场地,同时精神百倍地开始活动前的准备工作——将SYB学员和对方同学分成A、B两组,排好桌椅,连接音响设备。 随后便紧接着进行第一项小游戏:自我介绍接龙。即每一组的成员分别进行自我介绍,由随后的一个同学重复前两位同学的介绍再加上自己的介绍。依次这样进行下去,看哪组花的时间少即为优胜组。其中A组同学们相互合作,表现优异,率先完成所有组员的自我介绍接龙获得了胜利,与之相对应的B 组学员们就只能乖乖接受小小惩罚啦。B组同学们虽然游戏失利,可表演能力可是一个比一个强。他们分别演唱了自己最喜欢的歌曲,赢得全场同学一片热烈掌声。通过这个游戏环节,有效地增进了双方同学间的相互沟通和了解,营造了一片其乐融融的气氛。 看着同学们意犹未尽的样子,我们又进行了第二个游戏:你比我猜。即每组派一位同学出来负责表演,采用各种可能的肢体语言向其他组员尽可能准确地传达信息,然后由其他所有组员来猜测表演同学的意思。在游戏中学员们充分发挥了聪明才智,运用丰富的肢体语言和想象能力共同完成了游戏。整个环节妙趣横生,教室里笑声不断。通过这个环节,双方同学之间的默契得到了进一步增强。 两个轻松有趣的小游戏过后,我们进入此次活动的主题环节:感恩我们身边的人。主持人首先为播放了一段简短的视频,在优美舒缓的背景音乐中,同学们逐渐沉浸在思考中,教室里顿时安静了下来。虽然这个环节显得安谧沉静,不如游戏环节那么有说有笑、热闹非凡,但是大家在这个环节中收获的感恩体悟却是来年各个游戏环节带来的快乐所不能比拟的。 接着,大家还一起为当天生日的4位学员举办了一个小型庆生活动,在送上精心准备的小礼物的同时,一起合唱了生日快乐歌,祝愿他们学有所成,其他同学也分别送上了各自诚挚的祝福。接着我们全场同学一起围成一个大圈,在教室里跳起了欢快的兔子舞,笑容在每一位同学的脸上绽放。活动的最后,我们所有此次活动的参与者一起合影留念,画面定格的时候,留下的是我们洋溢着青春笑容的脸庞,活动在那一个个温暖的笑容里结束。 愿,SYB越办越好。 — 复旦大学同学 The autumn coolness doesn’t diminish warmth in our hearts – for the first activity of SYB in2012 In the afternoon of November 18, 2012, under the guidance of SYB social educator Quanli, eight students from Fudan University led
Business Traveller China Awards fundraises for Chiheng foundation and SYB program 《商旅》读者大奖为智行与海上青焙坊募捐
Business Traveller China Awards fundraises for Chiheng foundation and SYB program On Wednesday 14th November, the results of the 2012 Business Traveller China Awards were announced at a gala dinner, staged at the Westin Bund Center. Leading lights from the Chinese hospitality and airline industry were attending the dinner, that
SYB students participate in FHC bread competition 学生参加FHC国际烹饪艺术比赛
( The bread made by students) Students participate in FHC bread competition On November 14th, Wednesday, our students participated in the bread competition at the FHC, the International exhibition for food, drink, hospitality, food service and bakery. They presented their bread and decorated bread to the judges, in competition with
SYB joins PSA day SYB参与标致雪铁龙日
SYB joins PSA day On 6th November, 2012, SYB went to Jia Ding campus of Tongji University wtih fresh bread and cakes to attend the activity organized by PSA, one of our major sponsors PSA introduced French culture and food to students in Tongji University. In the tasting activity, people
SYB holds a public class for Baxter SYB为百特公司组织公开烘焙课程
SYB holds a public class for Baxter On 2nd, November, 2012, Shanghai Young Bakers organized a public class for Baxter in our baking centre. Baxter is a leader in healthcare that made a donation to Chi Heng Foundation, part of which came to Shanghai Young Bakers. To express our appreciation,
SYB helps KPMG organize lunch sharing event SYB为KPMG组织午餐会活动
SYB helps KPMG organize lunch sharing event Being a damp rainy day, it did no way stop the enthusiasm of those white-collars learning about the story and culture of the bakery world. It was 12:00 at noon, Tuesday 30th October, one day right before the Halloween Day. Two professional bakery