别开生面的元宵小聚 SYB family gathers for lantern festival
别开生面的元宵小聚 美好的两周假期之后,海上青焙坊第五期成员的新学期于上周日正式开始了。周日恰巧是元宵节,海上青焙坊的毕业生与学员们欢聚一堂,共庆佳节。 这场小聚可以说是别开生面、意义非凡。学员们可是第一次观看3D电影,都欢呼雀跃,开心不已。更令人感动的是,学员此次观影经费由美丽的Tineke女士提供。Tineke一直为海上青焙坊提供支持,感谢她的慷慨与善良。这次,她的婚礼嘉宾们答应了她的请求,把捐助海上青焙坊学员组织一次活动作为她的新婚礼物。海上青焙坊真心祝愿Tineke女士幸福到永远。观影后,许多毕业生赶来,共享晚餐。感谢活力社区服务中心(打工子弟安全会)提供本次餐费。 六个月的共同实习与学习后,学员们彼此已非常熟悉。这次重聚,每个人的脸上都洋溢着笑容。很多学员与我们的毕业生在同一个酒店工作,一起乘公交上下班,聚会里相见,倍感亲切。“我很感动,每次当我联系毕业生,让他们参加聚会,或有什么事情要他们帮忙时,他们都从不拒绝。”(烘焙培训师,王莉) 祝学员们蛇年幸福顺利,烘焙事业有成! SYB family gathers for lantern festival After two weeks of well-deserved holidays, Sunday 24th marked the beginning of the second semester of training for SYB 5th batch. As it was also the Lantern Festival, we wanted to organize an outing for SYB students and graduates
Jonas Emil gives a training about coffee to SYB students Jonas Emil为SYB学生提供免费咖啡课程
Jonas Emil gives a training about coffee to SYB students David from Jonas Emil coffee roaster offered students a free coffee class in our baking center on 21 January. The students were very much looking forward to it, as they know baked products are often paired with coffee but never
Public class for Ubifrance’s team-building为法国驻华使领馆商务处的团队建设开展的烘焙课
Public class for Ubifrance’s team-building On January 18th, we were honoured to provide a public bakery class for the 26 teammates of Ubifrance, the French Consulate’s division responsible for helping French companies in their international development. Ubifrance chose Shanghai Young Bakers to organize their annual teambuilding event. Instead of engaging
KPMG Baking Class 毕马威烘焙公开课
KPMG Baking Class Two months after the KPMG lunch sharing workshop, we were more than glad to partner with this prestigious accounting firm again, on another CSR event where there was a day-long intimate contact with the mysterious yet professional French bakery world. It is one of SYB’s initiatives to
SYB at Green Drinks event – “From Charity Training to Social Enterprise: The Trials and Tribulations of Shanghai Young Bakers”
SYB at Green Drinks event – “From Charity Training to Social Enterprise: The Trials and Tribulations of Shanghai Young Bakers” On 13th December, Shanghai Young Bakers was honoured to be invited to speak at the Green Drinks event as part of a panel on social entrepreneurship in Shanghai. Details on:
SYB visits Carrefour Gubei SYB同学参观家乐福古北店
SYB Students Visit Carrefour Gubei On December 10th, the SYB students went to visit Carrefour Gubei, where they will intern for a week each during the year, in addition to their internships in high-end hotels. Jason, the fresh division manager, guided the students through the supermarket, HR department and staff
SYB joins Xintiandi White Christmas Night Flea Market SYB参加新天地白色圣诞夜跳蚤市场
SYB joins Xintiandi White Christmas Night Flea Market It was very chilly in the winter days in Shanghai. However, the cold weather could not stop the warm heart. On Dec. 8th and 9th, SYB joined Xintiandi White Christmas Night Flea Market with bread and apple Danish. The apples we used
IREKS provided training course for SYB students IREKS为SYB同学上培训课程
IREKS provided training course for SYB students On December 3rd, we invited Sandy Xu from IREKS, a partner of Sinodis, to give students a training course. Sinodis is a food an beverage importer generously supporting SYB by providing for free many of the ingredients used in our training. During the