SYB students take part in their first bakery competition! 海上青焙坊学生在进口食品展上参加第一次烘焙大赛
Master Baker Dominique Genty from Grands Moulins de Paris is giving advice to our students SYB students at Lesaffre’s booth SYB students take part in their first bakery competition! Food & Hospitality China (FHC) is an international trade fair, dedicated to Food & Beverages professionals in China. From 13th to
Shama donates blankets to SYB students 莎玛向海上青焙坊学生捐赠毛毯
Shama donates blankets to SYB students On Friday 8th November, the SYB students received blankets and comforters donated by Shama Serviced Apartments. SYB regularly sells students’ baked goods at Shama’s farmers markets. Thanks to Melanie Manalaysay, Shama Operations Manager, our cooperation is taking a step further! As Shanghai nights get
Embrace a Green World, Run for Your Dream 播撒绿色,投掷梦想
播撒绿色,投掷梦想 ——记复旦家园&SYB趣味运动会 2013年11月3日下午,在复旦学生的带领下,海上青焙坊和复旦家园的同学们在复旦大学校园开展了SYB趣味运动会活动。 作为复旦大学本科生助学成才家园的品牌活动,趣味运动会旨在为SYB成员以及复旦大学学生提供一个相互交流的平台,增进了解和感情,建立良好亲密的关系;锻炼身心,丰富大家的业余生活。此次活动还成功融入环保的理念,寓教于乐,让大家在玩乐的同时学习环保知识、树立环保观念,养成环保的良好行为习惯。 大家接受的第一个挑战是“分类投篮”,所投之物并非平日常见的篮球,而是体现环保主题的废弃垃圾,而所谓的篮筐也由废旧纸箱做成。垃圾分为可回收垃圾与不可回收垃圾,要将面前的垃圾根据性质投到相应的纸箱内,于是一场知识与技术的比拼开始了。所有人被分成六个队,各队踊跃推举出实力派的队员,在活动负责人的指导下进行第一场角逐,在队员的加油助威中,代表们都出色地完成了比赛。 比赛进行了两场,又进行了环保知识小问答。大家在轻松的玩乐中相互比拼,学习知识。之后,队员在负责人员的带领下在草坪上玩起了“两人三足”。这是一场更为考验大家团结默契的比赛,各队队员在协商安排下展开最后一场角逐。 最后进行的是排名抽奖,在欢呼雀跃中,队员们带着小奖品兴奋归队。活动最后合影,大家的微笑在光华楼前定格,这次趣味运动会完美地落下帷幕。 张敏,复旦大学本科生 Embrace a Green World, Run for Your Dream Looking back at thesports games organized by Fudan Jiayuan for SYB SYB students went to Fudan University in the afternoon of Nov. 3rd, 2013 and joined students from Fudan Jiayuan to enjoy funny sports
Falling in love with charity in this autumn: SYB attends FDAP 爱在深秋,公益同行:海上青焙坊参加复旦公益好友会
Falling in love with charity in this autumn: SYB attends FDAP FDAP is an organization founded by Fudan University Alumni who enjoy volunteering. On November 2nd, FDAP held a charity fair for the first time at Huashan Green Area. Shanghai Young Bakers, as well as Chi Heng Foundation, attended this
The beginning of the internships: learn more, experience more, and progress more 实习伊始:学习更多、体验更多、进步更多
SYB 6th batch of students is interning at the Westin Bund 海上青焙坊第六届学生在上海威斯汀大酒店实习 The beginning of the internships: learn more, experience more, and progress more Based on the French “alternance” training concept that is very popular in Europe, the SYB training program allows our students to gain excellent baking and life
French school students learn how to bake for “the Week of Taste” 法国学校学生学烘焙 共度“品味周”
French school students learn how to bake for “the Week of Taste” Since its inception in 1990, the French Week of Taste (la Semaine du Goût française) has been celebrating each year taste education, culinary heritage and healthy eating habits. In 2013 for the first time, the Week of Taste
Social entrepreneurs conduct a case study on SYB 社会企业家们以海上青焙坊作为案例进行研究
Social entrepreneurs conduct a case study on SYB As our world faces complex global challenges, it requires many more innovators to come up with sustainable, scalable and high-impact solutions. FYSE, a Hong Kong based charity foundation, believes that people are the key to positive change and that investing especially investing
River Of Heart’s sorting party: second-hand clothes under the spotlight 衣物分类派对:聚光灯下的二手衣物
River Of Heart’s sorting party: second-hand clothes under the spotlight River of Hearts (ROH) is a charity which gives people in need second-hand donated things (clothes, shoes, toys, beddings, etc.) in good condition. During their famous sorting parties, ROH volunteers sort out and bag all the donations according to gender,