Silliker conducts hygiene training for the Young Bakers 实力可公司为海上青焙坊学员提供卫生知识培训
For the third consecutive year, Silliker showed its support to our charity program by conducting hygiene and food safety training for the Young Bakers.
Seasonal Fruit Indulgence: learn to bake Mango Tarts and Fruit Charlottes! 时令水果, 美味尽享:制作芒果挞与水果夏洛特
Summer is almost over, but fresh fruit is not. Join SYB on September 19th and learn to bake the seasonal recipe: mango tart and fruit charlotte, which would allow you to enjoy the last taste of summertime...
Come and Meet SYB at Expat Show Shanghai 2015! 与海上青焙坊在2015年上海旅居人士展览会邂逅吧!
Since 2007, Expat Show Shanghai dedicates its full resources to create the best platform for expatriates to find all information, products and services; they need for their everyday life in Shanghai...
The Young Bakers discover the Bund for the first time 青年烘焙师们在外滩的第一次探索
The visit of the Bund is a must-see for anyone coming to Shanghai for the first time and has become a tradition at SYB...
In September, enjoy our bread basket discovery offer!欢享九月面包篮子特惠!
Discover Shanghai Young Bakers bread and celebrate the new SYB students!..
The Young Bakers Receive Their Last Master Class of the Year by French Baker Jean Marie Lanio 法国烘焙师Jean Marie Lanio为学员带来本学年最后一课
Although they already graduated on July 20th, the Young Bakers are always happy to learn more and perfect their knowledge of French bread...
Sweet Memory in Shanghai-Chiheng Children’s Baking Class with SYB 上海忆甜——海上青焙坊带智行基金夏令营的孩子们学烘焙
July 25th , late in the afternoon at SYB’s baking center, a special baking class of great fun has already been waiting for the 20 children from Chiheng Summer Camp!..
Career Fair and Graduation Ceremony 2015 – The Beginning of a New Professional Life for the Young Bakers 2015年现场招聘会及毕业典礼-海上青焙坊学员开启职业烘焙师新篇章
Monday, July 20th 2015 is a day the 30 Young Bakers from the 7th batch will not forget: after the accomplishment of this one-year training in French bakery they are finally graduating and about to start their new life as bakers!..