志愿者感言:我与青焙坊的故事 Words from a Volunteer: My Experience with SYB
自从得知了“海上青焙坊”每周末的面包西点义卖,每周六下午的三个小时就成了我每周最盼望也几乎是最快乐的时间。这么说毫不夸张,因为虽然把烘焙作为第一爱好已有多年,但同时与这么多美好的面包以及它们的创造者为伍,实在是一件幸福的事。售卖的收入将用于青焙坊的长期公益事业,为来自贫困家庭的青少年免费提供专业的法式烘焙课程以帮助他们未来在这一行业里找到不错的工作。虽只尽绵薄之力,却也有满满的成就感呢。 我们常去的露天市场有嘉善老市( 嘉善路259号 )和延平路市场(延平路425号),每周一换;具体时间地点会在微博提前发布(请关注我们的微博:海上青焙坊)。 现在来介绍一下咱们的面包:层次分明,咬下去很有满足感的法式羊角,有时候还有添加了巧克力、葡萄干、或开心果的版本;松软而奶香浓郁的布里欧修(brioche)做成多种形状,而经典的球形和辫子形是每次必备的;颇有分量的黑麦面包全部用黑麦粉做成,非常健康,酵母全都是从法国进口的,即使放上一个月也不会坏——嗯我是说即使,现实中我只用了两天就吃完了一整个;当然最经典的还属法棍,也是每次最先售罄的,皮脆脆的,里面韧性十足,吃起来非常给力!如果把它切片涂黄油,再加蒜蓉和混合香草,送入烤箱5分钟,出炉就是令人无法抵抗的香蒜面包了!(哎,好像饿了。)以上只是众多品种的一部分,每次都有新的惊喜,当然也有蛋糕等甜点,在这儿就不一一赘述啦。 最后不得不提的是,青焙坊用心做的面包和甜点全部采用了最好、最天然的原材料,完全没有任何添加剂;这也是青焙坊一贯秉持的原则。如果您喜欢美味和健康,想要获得支持公益的成就感,那就一举多得,来市场上尝尝我们的面包吧 :) 乔云 记录 My bread selling experience started with Shanghai Young Bakers when I learned about their program and their products. After having baking as my most favorite pastime for a few years, it is such a delight to be able to sell at
【面包的秘密】之“闪电泡芙” 【Bread Story】Eclair
许多法式糕点背后都有自己独特的故事,下面就让我们走近闪电泡芙,听听他的故事: 有人说:因为奶油和蛋糕走进了婚礼的殿堂,所以有了奶油蛋糕。而深爱着奶油的面包只能把爱埋在心里,变成了一只泡芙。在繁多的泡芙中,“闪电泡芙”绝对是可以让你倾心的一款。泡芙酥皮,卡士达奶油以及巧克力糖浆的组合拼装便构成了这道éclair。 事实上,有关闪电泡芙的起源,众说纷纭。糕点商们笑说,闪电泡芙因为太过美味,让人们忍不住飞快地吃完,就如同闪电般迅猛;又一说,因为闪电泡芙表面的酱闪光透亮,如同闪电般炫丽,因此而得名。不过比较有根据的说法是跟这泡芙的发源地里昂(Lyon)有关。Lyon 这个城市以前的名字叫做 Lugdunum,是源自一个名为 Lug 的火神和电神的名字,所以演变到后来就用“闪电”来称呼这个来自里昂的甜点。 Lots of french pastries have their special stories. Then, let’s get to know the eclair and listen to its tale. Some people say that the cream married the cake, so we got cream cake. So the bread fell in love with the cream
My experience in SYB- SYB social educator 生活老师心得
(blackboard drawn by SYB students-” to be a great baker”) (blackboard drawn by SYB students-“my dream is coming true”) (blackboard drawn by SYB students- “My Dream”) My experience in SYB I had been always looking for a suitable NGO until I found SYB. Why did I choose SYB? The students
Thank you HQF!
Thanks to the Hua Qiao Foundation and their lovely team, we now have a projector for the students’ classes and our presentations! The Hua Qiao Foundation bought it especially for us as a donation, and we are extremely grateful about it as it really helps in improving our professionalism. 🙂
Master Baker Pascal Tepper – by Jonathan Lau
On a hot and humid but otherwise beautiful day I got off at the Qilianshan station and began walking to Shanghai Young Baker’s new baking center to watch Master Baker Pascal Tepper give a demonstration for Shanghai Young Bakers, for the second year in a row. I arrived late, expecting
My understanding of being a monitor – by Zhang Zhenghai
My name is ZHANG Zhenghai, a student aided by Association Marcel Roux, and I come from a remote village in Baoji city, Shaanxi Province. An accident deprived me mercilessly of paternal love, but a volunteer work connected me with Association Marcel Roux. I should thank Association Marcel Roux and all
Hotel in my mind – by Qi Liang
Hotel, a totally new concept to me. Since the day when I first stepped into Radisson Hotel, I started to have a fresh impression on it. Background Of Hotel: Shanghai Radisson Hotel is affiliated to Carlson Hotels Worldwide which is one of the largest and most diverse hotel management companies