There are many ways to support the charity program of Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB). The services of our Social Enterprise are defined so that companies have the chance to get to know the program in a fun and delicious way. Corporates can gradually increase their level of engagement by choosing different services from SYB.
As an example, the employees of Dassault Systemes decided to come to SYB’s baking center in November 2017 to enjoy a team-building baking class. Before putting on their aprons, we presented them the charity program, our mission, our history, the different possibilities companies have to support this good cause such as catering service, Bakers Basket delivery, etc…

After spending half a day with SYB and getting to know the program, the company decided couple of days later, to keep supporting the charity program by subscribing for 3-months to our Bakers Baskets. The Bakers Baskets are filled with bread or pastries that are baked by SYB’s students during their classes: a surprise box delivered on Thursdays right to the office! During those three months, employees enjoyed the wide range of products offered by SYB in its delivery service.

Willing to increase their engagement for our program and keep enjoying our products, the team of Dassault Systemes decided to subscribe to our Bakers Basket for a whole year! An amazing news for the charity program and the insurance to get delicious products to share with colleagues every Thursday afternoon!

We are very thankful for the engagement of the employees and management team of Dassault Systemes. By coming for a teambuilding and subscribing to our Bakers Basket, they directly support the local community and the professional training of the 32 SYB’s students!