Baoji Xinxing: a place for street kids to call home 宝鸡新星流浪儿童援助中心:流浪儿童的家

SYB trainers and program manager with Baoji Xinxing students and teacher

Visit at Baoji Xinxing Aid for Street Kids Center

Baoji Xinxing: a place for street kids to call home

The first step of our recruitment trip was in Shaanxi, Baoji at Xinxing Aid for Street Kids.

Founded in 2006, Baoji Xinxing (New Star) Aid for Street Kids (ASK) is a non-profit, independent private organization specializing in aid for street kids. Their aim is to provide immediate assistance, early intervention and supportive actions to street kids and marginalized kids.

The children they help are around three to eighteen. The first program of Baoji Xinxing was to help street kids to get in touch with their families and to help them pay for their bus or train tickets back home. However, they realized that in some cases the children do not have a family anymore, or their family is not willing to take care of them. As a result, they created a center for homeless kids to live, develop and get an education.

Street kids are usually brought to the Baoji Xinxing center by policemen, citizens and staff of the center. The association provides them with psychological guidance, medical assistance, education and skill training to help these children integrate into the mainstream society. There the children can heal their traumas, try to solve the conflicts in their families as well as restore their self-confidence. Children will learn how to get along with other people, how to deal with difficulties and how to protect their own rights so that prepare for returning to the society again.

When we got to the center, it was bustling with kids taking part in their summer camp. What was striking was to see how different these kids all were: some of them had physical handicaps, others mental challenges such as autism or Down’s syndrom, others were healthy but unable to live in their families due to poverty. Every one of them needs a lot of care and attention, however Xinxing accepts all of them in their center, believing that by living together they will learn to take care of each other and grow as a family. It was really touching to see them have so much fun together, and I really commend Xinxing’s staff for their professionalism and love for the children. Xinxing believes that “We provide a chance to the children today, and they will create a harmonious world for us tomorrow.”

View their website:

Floriane, SYB program manager







