The Young Bakers just finished their final examination. After 10 months of intensive training, they are ready to start their professional life.
This month, when visiting our hotels partners to get Chefs’ feedback on students’ performance, we have been really moved to get chefs highlighting Shanghai Young Bakers’ training program’s quality.
Having our graduates working and students interning in such high-quality environments asserts the benefits of our social mission. The impact of our program extends beyond this social mission, as our students’ passion for bakery grows day by day. Chefs’ feedback has confirmed that the Young Bakers fit to the Bakery industry and are ready to become professionals.
On July 9th Shanghai Young Bakers’ 10th Batch of students will be graduating, and it is also a day where companies have the opportunity to meet our students in person and to assess their professional and personal qualities. Every year, just before the Young Bakers’ graduation ceremony, we hold SYB’s career fair, during which employers can present their businesses and job offers in front of the students.
It is been 10 years that Shanghai Young Bakers team is doing his best to train marginalized Chinese Youth to become highly qualified bakers and with years our training program gained maturity and is constantly adapting to new industry and society challenges.

Event info – SYB Career Fair
Date & time: Monday, July 9th, 2pm – 5pm
Venue: naked Hub@Loushanguan Rd
If you would like to attend, please contact and register with Rongfei before Thursday, July 5 at
We hope to see you on July 9th !