Building a network of social bakeries: SYB Students visit Amity Bakery in Nanjing 与社会型面包坊建立关系:海上青焙坊参观南京爱德面包坊

SYB best students, teachers and staff at Amity Bakery

SYB best students, teachers and staff at Xuanwu Lake, Nanjing

Building a network of social bakeries: SYB Students visit Amity Bakery in Nanjing

Opening a social café co-run by SYB graduates has always been Shanghai Young Bakers’ long-term ambition. We hope that this social café will help fund our training program and provide a space for all social-minded individuals to share and exchange. Meanwhile, SYB hopes to create synergy among baking trainings or social bakeries by sharing resources and ideas. Pursuing this kind of dream and mission, SYB best students, teachers and team visited Amity Bakery in Nanjing on July 21st.

Amity Bakery is the first social enterprise for mentally handicapped people in China. It is affiliated to Amity Foundation, providing mentally challenged people with career training and job opportunities. With an online store on, Amity Bakery has already opened three stores in the city center of Nanjing. On July 21st, the best 5th batch graduates, SYB teachers and staff, accompanied by Amity Bakery staff, visited their store near XinJieKou first. We were showed around their store, served with their hand-made biscuits, including raspberry cookies and rose cookies, and also listened to the introduction and future development plan of Amity Bakery. The staff at Amity Bakery told us that for the time being, there are nine mentally disabled people working at their factory. When these people first came to Amity Bakery, they were really impatient and not easy to get along with. However, after a few months’ training, they were able to follow the steps of making biscuits as well as helping their families with housework. SYB students and teachers were impressed by their changes and curious about the operation model of Amity Bakery. From our conversation, we got to know that nowadays online marketing is the main source of revenue of Amity Bakery, and that since last year, they also make profit from their stores in Nanjing, which is a good example of a successful social enterprise!

Aside from Amity Bakery, SYB students also visited two famous French bakeries in Nanjing.

In the afternoon, SYB students went to visit Xuanwu Lake Park. It was summer there so the lake was full of greenish lotus leaf and reddish lotus. Dew could be seen on the lotus leaf. Students were so pleased with the scenery that they took a lot of pictures beside the lake. Unfortunately, it suddenly rained cats and dogs, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. Although our trip was affected by the bad weather, graduates were still in high spirits. They jumped into the paddles and had a lot of fun with water. Jinjin Xiao, our pastry trainer, even commented that it reminded her of her childhood.

After a delicious and Nanjing traditional dinner, students left for Shanghai. Floriane Lemoine, the program manager and Zhenghai Zhang, one of SYB bakery trainers then headed for Zhengzhou to recruit the 6th batch of students.

Sophie, SYB Communication Coordinator






