Lesaffre baker supervises SYB final bakery exams 乐斯福烘焙师监考海上青焙坊期末考试

Student at the final exam

Thomas Kalkhoven and Jinjin Xiao supervised the final exam

Thomas Kalkhoven and Jinjin Xiao with students

Lesaffre baker supervises SYB final bakery exams

Before the one-year baking training at Shanghai Young Bakers came to its end, every student was required to take a baking exam similar to the French vocational diploma C.A.P. of our partner bakery school Ecole Francaise de Boulangerie d’Aurillac et Pâtisserie d’Aurillac (EFBPA). From July 7th to July 12th, altogether twenty students took this exam.

Students were required to bake baguettes, croissants, country bread and brioche in seven hours. Both the final output and the working process were taken into account for the final score. It was a fierce combination of brains and physical strength. In order to ensure the fairness of the final exam, Thomas Kalkhoven, now working as the Baking centre manager in Lesaffre, and Jinjin Xiao, who teaches pastry,supervised the exam. “The most important thing for baking are timing and dosage”, commented Thomas when asking students about the baking time for baguettes. Thanks to our partnership with Lesaffre, Thomas Kalkhoven taught at SYB for two years from 2009 to 2011. He was very impressed by the growth of the program and the level of our students.

Fortunately, all the students passed the final exam, the majority of them with excellent grades! Congratulations to all of them and thanks to Lesaffre for their support!

Sophie, SYB communication coordinator



学生们需要在七个小时内完成法棍、羊角面包、乡村面包和布里奥的烘焙。最终的成果与操作的过程都将计入最终的考试成绩,可谓脑力与体力的结合。为了保证考试的公平公正,乐斯福烘焙中心经理Thomas Kalkhoven和教授西点的老师肖金金监督了此次考试。“烘焙最重要的是掌握时间和配量”,当向学生提问法棍的烘焙时间时,Thomas这样评论道。感谢乐斯福公司与海上青焙坊进行了合作!Thomas Kalkhoven从2009年至2011年在海上青焙坊担任了两年的烘焙师。海上青焙坊公益项目的成长和学员的水平给他留下了深刻的印象。

