海上青焙坊2013年6月简报月刊 SYB June 2013 Newsletter

【活动预告】海上青焙坊第五届学生招聘会及毕业典礼将于7月15日周一晚七点在The Melting Pot二楼(阳光小筑)举行。

请加入我们一起庆祝学生们一年来取得的成就,了解更多成功的故事吧!The Melting Pot地址:卢湾区泰康路288号二楼


请发邮件至event@shanghaiyoungbakers.com 联系Sophie预订毕业典礼席位。


【Pre-event Notice】The Career Fair and graduation ceremony of SYB 5th batch will take place on Monday July 15th at the Melting Pot (Upstairs: 688 Melting Pot). Join us to celebrate our students’ achievements and learn more about SYB success stories! The address of the Melting Pot: 2F, No. 288, Taikang Road, Luwan District

The Career Fair will gather bakery professionals from 3:00pm to 6:00 pm.
Everyone is then welcome to join us for the Graduation Ceremony from 7:00 pm to 9:00pm.

Contact Anael to RSVP for the Career Fair: partnerships@shanghaiyoungbakers.com
Contact Sophie to RSVP for the Graduation Ceremony:event@shanghaiyoungbakers.com

Before you meet them on the 15th, get to know the young bakers by reading their stories below.


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