【面包的秘密】之“闪电泡芙” 【Bread Story】Eclair



事实上,有关闪电泡芙的起源,众说纷纭。糕点商们笑说,闪电泡芙因为太过美味,让人们忍不住飞快地吃完,就如同闪电般迅猛;又一说,因为闪电泡芙表面的酱闪光透亮,如同闪电般炫丽,因此而得名。不过比较有根据的说法是跟这泡芙的发源地里昂(Lyon)有关。Lyon 这个城市以前的名字叫做 Lugdunum,是源自一个名为 Lug 的火神和电神的名字,所以演变到后来就用“闪电”来称呼这个来自里昂的甜点。

Lots of french pastries have their special stories. Then, let’s get to know the eclair and listen to its tale.

Some people say that the cream married the cake, so we got cream cake. So the bread fell in love with the cream could only bury his love deeply and sturdily in his heart, and we got puff. Among varied puffs, “éclair” is absolutely one of the most attractive and admirable ones. A puff pastry, some custard cream and chocolate fondant icing compose this famous pastry.

Actually, we don’t know yet the exact origin of this name,“éclair” (which means “lightining” in French).A lot of historians lean towards a joke of pastry cooks: “this pastry tastes so good that we eat it with lighting speed”. Others think that the glittering icing looks like a bright lightning. However, another version of the story states that it’s name is related to the French city of Lyon. Lyon was once called Lugdunum, which came from the name of Lug, the celtic god of thunder. The pastry was thus named “eclair” in reference to its city of origin, Lyon.